Friday, December 27, 2019

A sincere thank you

Someone sent me a cat carrier.  Thank you very much, it's very appreciated. 

I don't know what I will be doing with the cats as all this progresses but the more carriers, the better. 

Thank you so much for lending a hand. 


Friend said...

How wonderful !!! That is so nice! YAY to whomever did that! People can bitch or just shut up and help this is an example of the second !

Alex said...

If that was the one I sent, then it is absolutely my pleasure.
I was glad to see you put your Amazon Wishlist on your blog. Frankly, it wouldn't hurt to remind your readers on a regular basis on blog posts as well. It's not super obvious, even pinned up.
You should also put up a tip jar. I believe it can be done through paypal. I have seen other bloggers do it before.

Heather Knits said...

I will look into the tip jar. I did put a couple of home decor items on the list as well when my furniture comes back. Nothing expensive because Torbie "The Claw" loves to scratch and I would NEVER declaw anyone.