Monday, December 23, 2019

Monday dinner

So, the guys left.  I put food and water in Ron's room and it is my hope to get the cats in there.  I have Baby Girl in there for sure.  I also have food and water out for anyone who may be hiding. 

I made my Uber eats delivery, I paid with my checking account as I was not sure how someone gifting me money; for rides, would feel if I spent it on food.  I did not get Ron anything, he is OK he has had a breakfast bowl and some peanuts. 

I will be able to sleep in my own bed tonight, my bed was fine.  Just around the bed, but the water has been sucked up, humidifiers running, giant fans running.  But I can have my bed.  I stored all my under bed items in plastic boxes so they will be fine.  I am, however, "outed" as a "prepper". 

Tomorrow I will ask if they can either 1.  Move my bed to the garage or 2.  Move it into the front room so I can still be home during all of this (waves hand). 

Not sure what I am doing with the cats.  Ideal I just keep them in Ron's room or the garage but I believe a lot of drywall is going away in the garage so that won't be feasible.  I think. 

I still need to figure out laundry as it is out of commission for now. 


Anonymous said...

A gift is a gift sweet girl use the Uber for you oooxxx

Heather Knits said...

It was much appreciated, so nice to have someone bring me a hot juicy bacon cheeseburger with BBQ sauce after a traumatic day.

Friendly friend :) said...

There are people who can help with things like this if you needed it I know the Red Cross has been known to replace things or put you in a hotel in house fires plumbing disasters would not hurt for you to reach out by email to the United Way in your area or any non profitt central point and just ask “my house is flooded doe to ancient plumbing we are of limited means and need some basic help Insert list of what you need for the cats yourself ect including rides and a place to stay while the work is going on you should be there but maybe get a hotel for Ron it is going to be hard on him and hard on him is harder on you!

These are just some ideas I was a disaster relief person for the Red Cross for several years and we gave people a lot of stuff you just have to ask there are churches ect

Just make a paragraph short and sweet and pop it off to everyone in your area the worst that can happen they will say “no” but usually they will say “but try so and so”

You are going great Heather this is stressful remember your rules ! You need good sleep.take your meds good food and some fun to keep your bucket full delegate some time every day to your own selfish needs especially when you have to start dealing with the “peopling”.
I know this stresses you out so just a little bit that helped me might help you through the invasion of the privacy
Get a composition book the old black and white ones that are bound , I found a “decomposition “ book LOL and used that .
You use this as a communication tool ...if you engage too much time is money and the project takes longer so I would jot whatever I needed to say down tell them “let me get my brain” and ask directly from what I wrote down . Then when they had instructions for me while they were telling me I would hand them “my brain” and tell them to “please write it down as we talk it will really help me “ they understand the chaos they create. That is why you really need to get Ron out of there during the work please as I said call local support services and let them know he is a blind alcoholic in a wheelchair and I have 6 cats I need some help here please. It is a great way to learn about your community you have truly been isolated .
So please make a “brain” it is a life saver when things are chaotic and they are hurling info and whatever at you. I am sure you know all this but I know personally as you know I am offering help from my own experiences only . Keep us posted and good job just care for yourself ! Sorry for the ramble but wow you have had a lot going on !

Heather Knits said...

So far we are OK. I have a sleeping bag because they are taking my bed. Worst case Ron and I can alternate using his bed. I have a nasty headache today but have toiletries, clothes, etc. for the next while, and of course ALL my medication. Ron's room was unaffected so I put a lot of stuff in it. He will have to understand.

Anonymous said...

They are taking your bed, meaning it’s being thrown out?

Heather Knits said...

Bed is fine, they are just removing it so they can tear out the carpet and work in the room (not a large room).