Friday, December 27, 2019

I bought a dog house.

It is a 30 inch cube, should fit plenty of cats.

My aunt came, we went to see Biscuit.  They are letting him have the run of the place (several rooms) in addition to his kennel.  He looked good and is peeing, had a good spirit.  Happy to see me and got some lovies. 

Then we went to Home Depot and returned the PIECE OF JUNK. 

Then we went to the bank so I have inventory money for tomorrow. 

Then we went to Walmart for cough drops and to look at a dog house... if they had one.  They did not. 

We went to a pet store to look for a dog house and they did not have one, they had kennels and covered litter boxes, neither would work, and not that large either. 

Then we got some dinner. 

I came home, saw Ron, fed Ron, helped Ron with various things.  I will need to eat my burger (haven't yet) before I go to bed. 

First of all I ordered the house, I had seen it earlier and it looked like a contender.  The weather is mild here so not worried about a longer delivery.  I did rig up some shelters for the cats outside. 

I understand readers are upset the cats got out.  But you do not need to turn that into a personal attack dropping f-bombs and such.  You will note I modified my comments statement to include "abusive language".  It is very sad I even had to do that. 

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