Monday, December 16, 2019

Not off to a good start

Didn't sleep well, got up, doing it anyway. 

Ron woke up, hostile, toxic, mood.  I asked him to back off and he blew up at me.

I got up at 2 AM for this?

Edit: so he called me in the back bedroom, said he had $300 for me.  To count it.  Kept saying it was 3.  I count it, it's 2.  "Whatever, just take it".  I would have been pretty upset if I had believed him and taken it as 3, then got ripped for $100 (which is going to repay Spotty's neuter). 

Then he lectures me about my attitude and he is sick of my mouth.  When I scoffed at that he shouted at me again and chased me out of his room - which is fine, who's sticking around for that?!  Then he was trying to sweet talk Baby Girl into a cuddle. 

Yes, the cat is totally f#cked up.  Who wouldn't be in that environment?  All I can do for now is keep grooming her and take care of her other needs (litter box, enrichment, etc.).  And protect myself.  Save money. 

I am NEVER believing Ron when he gives me money again, I will either take my pay out of what the teller gives me or I will count whatever Ron gives me. 



Anonymous said...

Glad to hear he is his usual bright and cheerful self this morning.

Heather Knits said...

And you didn't even read the edit! [laughing]

My life is so screwed right now, I just thank God I never brought a child into this.

Anonymous said...

Why are you taking your pay from what the teller gives you? Are you paid in cash? How does that work with social security withholdings? Please tell me that social security is aware of your earnings.

I think Ron is giving you the cash and complaining about your "mouth" so you will be quiet and passive at his pain doctor appointment so he can get more pills with no resistance.

It's the same type of manipulative behavior that he used in threatening not to pay you a few days ago. He is basically saying "You need me. Don't forget it. I will get what I want and you will shut up and let me."

Heather Knits said...

I have the only key to the bill changer so I will get my money.

He had a very bad day for pain and the doctor applied more magnets and kept him at the same doses.

Social security is OK with cash pay as long as he files on it.