Sunday, December 29, 2019

Ron's not being smart

First he let Baby Girl out, a bad call. 

He had no way to exit his room in a problem so I had to clear it for him. 

He decided he wants to work tomorrow which is fine, but we have an appointment with the insurance adjuster tomorrow.  Ron wants to cut it close and "hope" paratransit gets us home OK. 

If you have read me for a while you know how often paratransit screws up rides.  This is a vital appointment that GETS THE BALL ROLLING on repairs.  We CANNOT f*ck this up.  He is SUPER busy. 

Ron was going to have it so we got home just before 12, when we have the appointment "I will just call and explain we got delayed".  He doesn't care about that.  Are we there to sign? 

I read him the riot act and we had a pretty good fight, I walked out.  Just now I checked and he did fix the trip so he listened but this is THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS YOU DO NOT WANT TO SCREW THIS UP. 



I told him if he screwed up our ride home I would leave him at work to get his own ride and take a Uber.  I think that scared him into fixing it. 

One time I was out somewhere with Ron, I had to get my own ride home because he decided he wouldn't help me.  I called Yellow Cab to make the trip.  He went behind my back, called the cab company, and CANCELLED the trip.  I was furious.  He has also "checked up on me" with the cab company and I don't mean in a good way. 

So I am really happy he cannot touch my Ubers at all. 

I need to make a deposit today but I am very tired so I think I will attempt a nap first and then go later, maybe.  I also need to return the air pump which is $12.  That will pay for one of my rides. 

I think my body has decided it is OK to manifest exhaustion now that I have a viable sleeping option. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ron is not capable of making important decisions anymore. You know that.

I'm glad he will get out of the house tomorrow. He has been stuck in that room for a long time.