Friday, December 13, 2019

Liberating Spot

I woke up at 2 am, got up for a while, Ron got very drunk, went back to bed.  He made some noise but he was hurting so OK with that. 

I got up at 7 something, took my shower, etc.  Ron got up and began drinking again.  [sigh]  He is at least in bed now. 

I got Ron listening to some Morse code stuff, he still remembers it.  He had a tech-plus license back in the 90's.  I had a regular tech (no code). 

I suspect my stepmother may have read the blog because she suddenly added a gift.  She's never done that.  If so, I hope I didn't seem ungrateful. 

Arturo came right on time and we headed off to the vet.  They are all very nice and the kennel tech was very sweet.  She's the one who spoon fed my Spot. 

I got a drunken phone call from Ron rambling and shouting.  It was pretty incoherent.  And disturbing. 

I can't leave the house for 10 minutes???  Days off are just TERRIBLE for him because all he does is drink and drink. 

I brought Spotty home, he was pretty quiet.  He was upset so I didn't film him, he wanted OUT of that carrier.  He ran off for a few minutes but I opened a can of Homestyle Turkey Friskies.  He came running for that and ate with his Mom and sister.  Then he hid again, just now he came over, rubbed all over me, got some petting, and left. 

He is really happy to be home.  And it reminds me, no matter what I have done I have at least provided a home the cats want, they are happy to come back to it. 

I have to administer some pain medicine with food but he has always been a big eater.  I am not worried about that.  I did that with Mommy and also Cleo just this year. 

Cleo I had to put it on her food because she was not letting me put it in her mouth! 

I can eat now so I am going to get a snack and take a nap. 


Anonymous said...

Yeah Spotty is back home!!!! You should have listed a vacuum cleaner on your wish list.

Heather Knits said...

I'll do that, I can add as long as I want...

Spotty is so grateful to be home. It's even more adorable than usual.