Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Spotty goes to the vet

Poor, sweet Spotty.  I found him sleeping next to my bed on the floor.  I picked him up, put him in the carrier, called Arturo.  Spotty was OK in the carrier for a little while but then started hollering, moved around a lot when we got in the car, and off to the vet. 

Vet staff "Oh, he's big" - sure felt big!  Heavy boy(but a good figure).  They got him set up in his carrier at the vet with a bowl of his "soup" with probiotics in it, he also has canned and dry food in addition to his soup and treats.  He had better eat it now because he can't eat after 6. 

I brought the office cat some 'nip and she seemed to enjoy it.  She's a nice little tortie - dumped on their porch years ago.  They kept her and made her the mascot. 

I got a snack at the convenience store and went back home, Ron was pretty drunk and very confused, but I got him back to bed.  But it's a good example of leaving him just for minutes and coming back to him in distress. 

How do I go to work every day and leave him at home?  I don't think he could be left, safely.  Which means things would come to a head rather abruptly one way or another. 

I did get him to bed... he just needed to sleep.  He is just one of those prone to confusion when drunk.  He is snoring now. 

I feel bad for poor Spotty, he is having a bad day but tomorrow will be a lot worse.  I am glad I'm having them keep him for a few days so he will be safe.  I am glad he is a good cat, unlike Cleo, they will love him.  He is a real sweetheart. 

Headache is back but I don't have the fever any more. 

Whatever it is, I fought it off and I am glad of it.  We work tomorrow.  I am going to go check on the trips.  Yup, he made them, even dinner out if he want it.  He hasn't wanted to go out in months. 

It will be interesting to see if he still wants to do it, tomorrow. 


Anonymous said...

I hope Spotty is OK at the vet. Poor little guy he was sleeping and minding his own business and then this happens. Plus no food. He really will hate the vet after this.

Heather Knits said...

Yeah, he's having a bad night but not as bad as tomorrow. That's why I had the shots and chip done while he is under, too.

I brought the good food and the soup for cats he likes so he will have something tasty when he's hungry. I thought about going to visit but I think it would be cruel, I will show up when it's time to take him home Friday.

I just hated the idea of keeping Biscuit from water for a whole night. That is a bad idea with his condition and the vet tech agreed with me, and no fair way to lock Spotty up and fast him somewhere in the house.

He isn't alone, there's at least one office cat at the facility to keep him company and he was the only "patient" animal in the facility besides her so no dogs barking at him all night either.

He's a good boy; and I remind myself most cats run over are intact males. Plus the spraying and the mating behaviors... it is better for him to be fixed. I do feel bad he has to have surgery though.

He will have to go back in a month for his booster shot but then free for a whole year. All the other cats were so relieved when I put Spotty in the carrier today, it was actually pretty funny.

Sad for Spot-man though.

Anonymous said...

Poor Spotty - but you are doing it for his well being and he will bounce back quickly and I am guessing will forgive you quicker than Cleo did

Heather Knits said...

He is hiding in his cage right now. Poor guy, it's the worst day of his life. :(