Monday, December 23, 2019

A world of cleanup

So a more detailed post.  Went to work, came home, Ron screwed around but did call Roto rooter.  They came out in a few hours, took one look and said "You need a restoration company, it will be covered by your insurance". 

My aunt had come out in the meantime wanting to look at the attic, and spoke with the plumber extensively.  She agreed cleanup was a massive job.  He said the whole house needs repiped, which we will have to save up for. 

He, in the meantime, found the leak, which was a spectacular geyser, and repaired it.  We paid him, he waited to talk to the restoration guys who are a branch of the same company. 

Eric came out and was very clear on what needs to happen, what will happen, who pays for what, etc.  All told we are probably looking at about a thousand out of pocket for repairs which will cost around $25K.  That is almost what we paid for the house!  ($68K)

So basically all I do is sit here and look pretty while people go in and out, fixing things.  For now, I don't know how I am going to end up tonight but Ron's room is OK.  Ironic that his carpet is actually OK.  Worst case I will sleep on the floor if I can't go in my room tonight.  I got the important stuff out, some clothes, my Bible, chargers, etc. 

I have a "shit has hit the fan" backpack where I keep various items of importance, including my insurance papers, which made it SUPER easy for the Eric to submit a claim.  I am so proud I did that, it is a really good idea if you haven't done it already, keep your insurance forms in a waterproof bag of something, in a bag you can grab and go. 

The insurance may even pay for pet boarding.  If you have considered buying me something I need a total of 3 cat carriers if that happens.  In the meantime the cats are hiding and staying out of the way, so OK for now.  Vet says they need one day's notice to take that many but they will be happy to help.  Good to know.  It would be about 100 a day. 

So drywall is coming out, then put back up after treated for mold, walls will be painted, etc.  New flooring in the bedroom, likely something water resistant if I have my way.  All sorts of activity back in my bedroom which is where the party happened. 

My aunt had to go but will be back later.  With my uncle, who probably doesn't know the scope of all this.  She talked to my Dad, I talked to my Dad, who is nicely concerned and actually very supportive, go Dad. 

I am not sure what they are doing in my bedroom but they are doing something... so it is getting fixed.  Ideally I will be able to sleep in my bed tonight.  Worst case I will sleep on the floor in the front room. 

And of course my sleeping bag was in the laundry room, and got soaked when the ceiling fell in.  But I know my aunt has plenty and would loan me one. 

They guys are cleaning out my room, looks like a pretty total loss except for things on the closet rod, and the bed.  But I had my important things up high.  That is a really good policy to have, Eric said it was "smart" for me to have my computer elevated like I did - glad I did that. 

I feel a little bad everyone in the world is seeing I'm a total slob but other than that mood is good. 

What a day! 


Anonymous said...

Ron should buy a cot or something , you shouldn’t have to sleep on tile floor :(

Heather Knits said...

I will actually be able to sleep in my bed tonight. I am worried about him navigating the house as it will be tricky. I may need to get up and help him every time. Not that he gets up that much.

Someone sent me a Uber card which will buy dinner tonight which will be a lovely treat.

The humidifiers are going in the house, along with fans, it is very loud. I had to sign something saying I would not unplug or turn anything off.

We normally sleep with a noisemaker so it is just that, on steroids. I will have to talk to my aunt about getting help with laundry for the next little bit, I am sure she would be happy to play laundromat and have us come over. Until we can get the washer/dryer working again and/or buy a new one.