Tuesday, December 17, 2019

"That is not your food"

I laid down for about 10 minutes and felt better.

I got my money back from Ron for the purchases I made for him.  I fed the cats again, kept Biscuit out of the liver and beef cat food (quite the hit with them all), gave him his own food.  I am very glad Royal Canin made the formula so tasty, he adores it - everyone does.

I play a lot of "That is not your food" keeping the other cats out of Biscuit's food, and him out of their food.  Spotty has been very playful today, and sitting comfortably, so pretty much over the neuter.  He is wrestling with Biscuit right now.

It is good to feel better.  I think it was all the medication at once (normally I divide it) and then the headache pills a couple of hours later.  I already took out the trash and recycle so that is done.  I can sleep in tomorrow if I want.

Sleeping in generally means about 8, which is when they come to pick everything up.  I believe at least one resident in #2 works nights based on the hours the vehicle is home, so I try to be quiet ALL day for them now.  Some days are better than others but when I'm in front of the throne on judgment day my record will reflect I really tried with them.

I detested it so much when #6 would bang the garbage can around several times a night, EVERY night, for every single [censored] diaper!  SO rude!  I didn't sleep for a period of about 6 years there.  And I am not kidding, every damned diaper, go outside, bang the can around, throw the lid back, fling the diaper, slam the lid, slam the front door to the house, right next to my bedroom wall.

And, if I'm correct in my assumptions, he worked on my house when they were flipping it so he KNOWS the bedroom is right there.  Just RUDE.  THEY WERE NOT MY BABIES so WHY were they keeping me up every night?

If I wanted to be kept up all night for years at a time I would have had my own children.  Even the cats know better than to wake me up.

Anyway, I do my best to respect #2.  And #6 gets to benefit by association, because if I am quiet for #2 I am also quiet for them.  Monday when we had the very early pickup it was a big van which is super quiet so no neighbors were disturbed.  And I stocked well enough I have tomorrow off too.

Sales are just horrible this year.  I am glad I am only manic for candles, which are pretty cheap and last a while too, but are consumable so I don't have a lot of clutter all over either.  Consumables are good.

Cat things, and consumables.  If someone were to ask.

Speaking of cat things I found a big gash in the fur on one of the cat condos.  It appears someone went to sharpen their claws and got stuck.  Mama cat and Cleo have this issue, in particular.  Cleo is just going to have to deal, I wouldn't be able to trim her nails.  Mama Cat I may be able to trim her nails.  I will look into clippers.  Both of them will flex their claws and get stuck, struggle for a while to get free.

I feel bad for Cleo but if I reach for her when she's stuck she really freaks out.  Mama Cat got stuck in my blankets during my nap and I had to free her.  She (Mama) may not let me trim her nails but I would like to attempt it.  Also Doc said Torbie may get "Old Lady Claws" and need to be trimmed periodically.  I haven't looked at Torbie's claws but she is walking OK and doesn't get stuck in things, either.  I am remembering Doc did Mama's claws when I took her in for the first exam and Mama was fine with it.  They had to draw blood and Doc didn't want to get nailed like Biscuit did during his FLV test, as a kitten.  He got a good swipe at her.

That was the only time he was rude to her.  When I took him in, blocked, he was a very good boy with her prodding at him and poking at his bladder, looking at his manhood, etc.  But he did get her when she drew blood.  She drew blood, so did he!

I can't really blame him, but I am sure she did not feel bad neutering him a couple weeks later! The vet has done 3 neuters and 2 spays for me now.  Spay clinic got Baby Girl, then went under a couple weeks later :(  They were great, too.  Torbie was already done.  Doc did the rest.  And they are all running around happy.

Biscuit is giving me Big Eyes wanting wet food.  I have been worried about him getting into it, so it's locked up when I am not standing over a permitted cat, eating it.  For obvious reasons I just can't leave it out and expect him to ignore it.  That's not fair to him.

I will be glad when I get that bowl, if I don't get one for Christmas I am going to buy one with my own money - I may wait until New Year's and just be the food police.  Things are dead enough at work I can sit around at home playing "That is not your food" with the cats.

That's the problem when you have cats on special diets - Spotty is all wet, Biscuit is all dry, and they love to eat each other's food.  But I take care of my cats and they are all happy and healthy.  Biscuit is putting his paws up on my leg and meowing at me.

He doesn't understand, eat that stuff, you would wake up with a cone on your head, a catheter, in a cage.  If he's lucky.  Not a good party.

I am going to go hunt for claw trimmers.

Edit: found a good pair, we will see how they work for my guys.  It's coming Thursday


Anonymous said...

People are probably bringing in baked Christmas goodies to share.
In the new year I bet you could sell Atkins bars because of their weight gain.

Heather Knits said...

I always have baked lays but will probably put them in 2 machines instead of one.