Saturday, December 28, 2019

Air mattress isn't working.

I still slept OK but will need something else if this is going to work longer term.  Ron and I have talked and are now willing to stay at a hotel (and board Baby Girl), if offered. 

That said I have seen BG, she is doing very well, tail up, meowing, wanted attention.  I saw Torbie on the porch and we had a nice visit.  I set up a sheltered spot on the porch for her, with her igloo and some blankets.  It is behind the jasmine so no one can see it. 

So I saw half of them yesterday (can't forget Biscuit). 

I have ruled out Ikea as not being a good value on a mattress.  I may look into futons.  I also need to look into paint chips.  I want to be ready when the time comes. 

Most likely will be doing cream for bathroom and front room.  Some sort of lavender for the bedroom. 

And flooring, need to talk to the adjuster but I would be happy with a stained concrete floor.  It strikes me it would be easy care, just a sweep and mop.  Better for allergies as well and cheaper for the insurance company.  But they may only want to do carpet which is fine.  We will see. 

Just some early morning thoughts. 


Anonymous said...

Obviously Torbie wants back inside but you decided to leave her outside. Mama cat, cleo and spotty are MIA. You really are not thinking correctly. You will board baby girl, get you and ron a hotel and leave the other 4 cats outside to fend for themselves. It is very upsetting knowing how you are handling the cats. Why are you doing this? Why?

Heather Knits said...

Torbie is lying by my chair. How am I a bad guy in that? Mama & company are not near the house. Torbie stayed close to home, spent a night outside, decided she would rather take the chaos and came inside.

I just spoke to Ron, he will not leave Baby Girl and will stay in his room with her until this is over. That is his right. It also unfortunately means I have to stay in all this (gestures at wrecked house) as a result. If Ron really couldn't be left before this he absolutely cannot, now.

Anonymous said...

Air mattresses do best when filled with a pump. It’s best to get the kind with a built in pump. Maybe you can return and get one?

Anonymous said...

I just had a thought, many hotels allow pets. Maybe you can find an extended stay or even a standard one that will allow you to bring Torbie and baby girl at least to convince Ron into doing the hotel thing?

Anonymous said...

The situation with the cats was preventable. You could have prevented this by isolating them all in the garage before the workers arrived and then shuttling them all over to the vet for boarding. Housecats don't get to choose whether they roam free in the neighborhood.

If I let my dog choose what to do, he would eat half his body weight in kibble and then head over to the post office to bark at the mail trucks all day.

My cat would simply head outside to kill every small mammal in a five mile radius, stopping as needed to scratch up and crap on my neighbors lawns.

They don't get to choose.

Heather Knits said...

Mine get to choose. Torbie and Baby Girl want "in" - not to mention a shaved cat is going to look damned strange wandering the neighborhood.

Heather Knits said...

If we do a hotel I would board them because housekeeping and the vacuum would freak them out. Ron can live without BG for a few days when they are painting, etc.

Heather Knits said...

I'm going to do a cot because Torbie likes to sleep with me and I nicknamed her "the claw". LOL

Anonymous said...

You do know you don't need housekeeping to come in the hotel room, right?