Tuesday, December 24, 2019


Took all the stuff they needed.  5 cats in garage with toys, food, and litter.  Freaked out but Ok.  Cleo is in the house last I saw but the door has been open a lot.  She is the most street smart if she does get out and this is still better than boarding her.  I did put some food on the porch.

My very sweet neighbor across the street was very concerned we were moving when he saw the van.  He is a veteran and has a very well cared for dog, I have always liked what I've seen.  He is a good guy.

Junk on the floor (not damaged, just crap) needs picking up in the front room.  Jose said don't worry about the bedroom so that's a relief.


Anonymous said...

Why didn't you move all the cats to the garage before the workers arrived? You knew the workers were coming today.

Why did you put food on the porch? Why are you so casual about Cleo getting out? If you can't get her into the garage when you need to, you should board her for her own protection.

My personal opinion is that all the cats should be boarded during the renovations because the workers will need to have access to all doors and the garage. Use your carriers and make two (or three, if necessary) trips to the vet to drop them all off.

Heather Knits said...

Calm down...

1. The vet closed early today.
2. There was no catching Cleo at any point today.
3. I caught all the cats I could and put them in the garage. As I discovered more I would catch them and put them out.
4. The cats seem happy in the garage with their things, box, food, water, toys, litter, scratchers, cat trees, cushions, favorite blankets, etc. Things I could not do if I boarded them. Overall they are OK. Not happy but not miserable. They will just, as we will, be glad when this is over.

Worst case if a cat does get out they are chipped and they all know where they live. Mama Cat, or someone, had burst a hole in the catio some time ago and they were free roaming without our knowledge for some time. And they were fine.

I do not live on a freeway onramp.

It was pretty funny getting Torbie today, they had to take the mattress off and then I had to get her out through the frame (big gaps so doable). Then she went in the garage.

Ron had me put a blanket out there which has been quite popular. They also have the gym mat, 2 cat trees, etc. They will sleep better than I will, tonight.

Heather Knits said...

I put food on the porch so Cleo has something to eat if she did get out. Bad enough scared worse hungry. I will put some water out in a minute. Worst case I am feeding a critter.

If I am wrong and she's indoors I have food in the house, and litter boxes.

Anonymous said...

I'm perfectly calm. I asked you questions based on what you wrote.

I'll ask again. Why didn't you put all of the cats in the garage before the workers came today? You knew they were coming.

I have lived through renovations. I boarded my pets for their own safety. It was hard for me because I loved them and missed them, but it was best for them.

Houses under construction are not safe places for the most obedient and controllable pets. Workers will want access to everything. They will want to open your garage doors, home doors, etc. The noise is disturbing to most pets. The workers will leave debris and materials around no matter how neat they try to be. There may be openings in walls overnight...try getting a cat out of there when they go exploring.

Anonymous said...

Bull you know how to trap cleo and were just being lazy. You do crap like this all the time.

Heather Knits said...

The cats have been freaked out since the remediation guys came - especially with the humidifiers going. These things are huge, half the size of a fridge, and incredibly loud. There was no handling the cats after that.

I didn't see a problem with them running around last night, and like I said I caught most of them and they are in the garage.

The worst and most abusive thing I have done today, is turn off the garage light when coming in the house. The minute I remembered I turned it back on.

Cleo hates to be boarded and cannot be handled like that. She is a good housemate but not a lap baby by any stretch. Torbie, Spotty, etc. were pretty easily caught and released into the garage. I have done what I can.

Since we are getting the house repiped I will be boarding them during that, Cleo if I can catch her. I will say when I saw Cleo today she was doing a good job of staying out of the way.

Ron is treat man and all the cats are highly responsive to treats, so if someone gets in a wall I can get them out with treats. They are absolute addicts.

I am still unclear what is happening what days, but when I have a good idea I may take most of them in to be boarded. Cleo is very difficult to handle and probably better to have her around for this, than take her back to the vet.

Anonymous said...

You bit off more than you can chew in the cat department lol

Heather Knits said...

I agree, but no one else was lining up to take them and very poor odds had I taken them to the shelter.

Watch my video for some adorable Spottyness.

Anonymous said...

Wall of excuses.

If you actually believe that you could get a cat out of a wall with treats, certainly you could have used treats to get them all in the garage before the workers arrived.

The actual worst and most abusive thing you did today is to type, and believe, "Cleo is very difficult to handle and probably better to have her around for this, than take her back to the vet." She deserves the same protection the other cats deserve.

To quote the most accurate comment here "bull you know how to trap Cleo you were just being lazy. You do crap like this all the time."

As I said before, I have been through renovations. It is not a safe place for a pet.

Anonymous said...

Why do you respond to these people Heather? You owe them no explanation you are doing your best. I do agree you should be in a hotel and the cats should be boarded this is not healthy for anyone and your allergies breathing dust and dirt mold as things are moved
but overall considering you are doing your best. How does bitching and demanding answers now about how she should have done things help?
The video was adorable.

Heather Knits said...

Cranky anonymous, do you live in Houston? Give me your number and come over, we can talk as you try to round up Cleo.

To the other comment I am going to up our vitamin C intake, that is just wise. But the humidifiers are hauling off a ton of water and sending it down the drains so I think it is OK to stay here. My allergies aren't bothering me and Ron is OK too.

I need to get rid of the unwanted wet clothes because they are giving off an odor and I can't do laundry = no laundry room. I will be doing well to run a load at my aunt's once a week or so until I am back in business.

Anonymous said...

Bitching and demanding answers now about what she should have done helps because the workers are coming back. She could be better prepared then. If she is going to live in a work zone, even temporarily, she needs to plan better.

Heather Knits said...

Brain damage. Crazy. Medicated. Totally sleep deprived. Stressed out. Dealing with horrific headaches through all this...

I am doing my best. I thought the cats looked pretty happy in the video.

Anonymous said...

Stop with the excuses. Honestly you are medicated. Your insurance is covering it all but you lean back on your mental illness as the reason you couldn't make sure all the cats were accounted for before the workers entered your home. Sounds to me that you did get them all sequestered in said garage but ron let them out when he went to get more vodka from the garage and you weren't able to get everyone back in the garage. Too bad you don't have a couch in your living room. You could have slept on that or even an air mattress in the living room. Maybe now you will address your hoarding issues .

Heather Knits said...

You know what they say about assumptions.

1. I could not round them up after the humdifiers started.
2. I had a loveseat in the living room but it had to go away because one wall is damaged and has to be repaired, then the whole room painted. Mediation guys said it is a lot easier to basically empty the home so that's what we did. I have some clothes in Ron's room, Ron's room is OK, and the kitchen, but everything else... did you see the video with the images of the empty front room?

And insurance has not said "We will pay to board your cats". That is $100 a day. So far they are fine.. depending on what my foreman tells me I may board Biscuit because I can't restrict his food out in the garage - because YOU did not buy me the microchip feeder for Christmas!

How could you do that to poor Biscuit?

Anonymous said...

I have two cats and one will eat the others food if i dont watch them. Why cant you stand over them while they eat and play food policewoman. It doesn't take cats too long to eat. The cats should have been put up before the fans were turned on. If only because their hearing is a lot more sensitive than a persons. Get a piece of paper or a notebook if you have one and write down exactly what is being done on each day so you have a list and can refer back as needed. As for them bvb taking away all your furniture that is ridiculous. But just shows how much clutter you have that this stuff could not just be moved away from the wall or into the garage

Heather Knits said...

They do a clearout with every case, they said. Get rid of all the good stuff, throw away the bad, cut holes in the drywall, spray the mold solution. That is just what I understand they will do. They bring back everything after drywall, paint, carpet.

To them this is a cookie cutter job, although there were a lot of head shakes and sighs over the extent of the damage, which I heard to be $25K if I am not mistaken. But I am getting ready to go to bed next to my Dry-eaz dehumidifier. I have a nice cozy setup. The cats are all comfortable.

Anonymous said...

Not all the cats....we have one missing.

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I am cranky anonymous, so I will address your question. I do not live in Houston, or anywhere near you. If I did I would come help you. You are clearly in over your head.

Cleo has been trapped before and she could be trapped again. If you have not already, I recommend moving all cat food and treats to the garage. All of it. Make them want to go there. It will make it easier to get them all in carriers and a trap to go to the vet. Put Ron's vodka in the house.

You have to tell your insurance company what you need. They are not going to just spontaneously offer to board your cats. They are in the business of paying as little as possible, and they are very good at it. Be assertive. In addition to all of the other construction nuisances I listed before, they are going to spray mold killer in your home. Get out of there and get your cats out of there for the construction.

Heather Knits said...

Ron's vodka is in the house. I will talk to the adjuster on Thursday to see about boarding the cats.

Ron already brought his vodka in the house.

Heather Knits said...

I am working on that, one reason I have not taken out all the food and litter as instructed. I will also go outside and call her tomorrow.