Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Early Tuesday

Deleting nasty comments.  I forget which post they tagged on but I refuse to accept that.  I have done everything I can to keep them healthy and safe. 

I may try putting the trap out today and see if I catch someone, bring them in.  Last night going through what I have left I realized one of my electronic water bowls was icky so I got rid of it, down to one but only 2 cats in here right now.  I got rid of a ton of crap before they took the dumpster. 

I assume that was OK, no one said "You can only put debris in here" and they could tell I was adding stuff, no one said "Stop that".  Easier to apologize than to get permission.  The pickup man was very nice. 

I put in a request for a quote with the concrete floor people.  I will put up a link to the colors.  I want "eggplant" in the bedroom - if someone buys the house and hates it they can always put hardwood, laminate, or carpet on it.  https://www.ashtonpolishing.com/color-samples/  Then "Walnut" in the computer room with orange walls. 

I got a bright cream for my bedroom and the common areas, I think that will be very refreshing and give me a lot of choices for the front room.  Right now I have floor length lace turquoise curtains which are very nice.  They will look nice with the cream. 

I have had that setup with the bright turquoise accents for at least 10 years, happy for another 10.  BUT they did some turquoise walls at work and they are AWFUL too strong and nothing I would want in my house.  I am glad I saw that before I talked to painters. 

And I will state the obvious, this whole experience has really had me looking at spanish speakers, because virtually everyone who came out to help has spoken spanish and been an incredibly hard worker.  Very kind and helpful, a good example one mover to came to me with a plastic bag full of underwear and socks "You will need this".  She didn't have to do that, no one paid her to - but she was kind and empathetic.  So I am going to dial back a lot on the rhetoric. 

I still think the home countries need to fix themselves so no one "needs" to come here but I am not a politician or a social engineer.  In the meantime I certainly will enjoy all my "subs". 

Everyone likes a Coke, by the way, Walmart or any grocery store has the six pack of the Coke bottles for about $3.  Put them in the fridge, offer them to the guys, they love them.  No one has wanted a Gatorade but everyone wants a Coke.  Remember that if you ever need to have someone out. 

One smart thing I did put a six pack in the fridge and went to work, then texted the guy and said "Cokes in the fridge help yourself"' and they did!  I was so happy when I saw that.  I will be getting more Cokes on my next delivery. 

So glad I had electricity in this to run the machines and dry the house out, have amenities for us (like heat, lights, computer, microwave, fridge).  That has made it very livable to stay at home. 

I just checked on Ron, I have found it more helpful to check in every half hour or so when he is awake, and he was lying in bed petting Torbie.  She has been a real hero in all of this, nothing scared her.  She is a really fantastic cat. 

Baby Girl is more reserved but holding up great now the machines are gone. 

Like I said, I will try some trapping (in the BACK yard where no one else will see) and see if I can catch a few.  I have some canned food they like and will use that.  I still have all my litter boxes here so no problem for that when more cats arrive in the house. 

My cough is getting better.  The high quality air filters arrive today so that will be great and can only help.  I am not worried about mold because I can see inside the walls and there is nothing but wood studs and siding (on the outside walls).  My suspicion, this leak may have been going for a while and I had a problem.  I certainly had a problem with that old carpet in there... full of allergens. 

The really nice thing if I get the floors concrete I will only need a broom and mop to clean.  When this is all done and paid off I will do Ron's room the same, and then no need for a vacuum or carpet cleaner, so don't buy one just yet. 

I did put some furniture covers on my list.  I have 2 "big" pieces aside from my bed, a wood frame loveseat with cushions from Ikea and a fold out loveseat, stadard looking, also from Ikea.  Torbie is very fond of scratching on the upholstered one and I am not inclined to fuss. 

But I found a really cute "sock" that goes over the upholstered one, in orange which will match my decor in here.  Then I found a navy cover that will basically sit on top of the cushions for the wood frame one, neither is very expensive... I am trying to focus on the positive and look ahead. 

And of course, after a week of sleep deprivation, caffeine abuse, high drama, noise pollution, etc.. I am manic.  Not horribly so but I am going to watch my stimulants.  It is good in a way because I can get a lot done and don't need to sleep much.  BUT we don't want it getting any worse.  Right now I am socially acceptable. 

Plan is to take a shower after I finish this, see if Ron needs anything, put the trap out back, wait until about 10 AM, call the big fish on our project and see what happens next.  Maybe the concrete guys will call me back today and come out.. that is fine. 

I did indicate one room is only about 120 square feet and the other 64, so not a HUGE job.  But a fun one!  I am really glad I got to experience just the plain concrete because I like it just fine.  Everyone says "Oh, it'll be cold".  It isn't and it is "cold" out right now.  We keep it warm in here. 

AND I found a rug place so if I decide I need rugs I can do that on top.  But stroke victims are at a high risk of falling on area rugs so not likely to do that.  Not that I think Ron will be "walking" anytime soon. 

I guess I had better go take my shower. 


Anonymous said...

Sadly I don’t think the mama and co are going to come back. All 6 cats in that tiny space And they didn’t integrate well and it was likely very stressful. they saw an out and took it.

Heather Knits said...

They all got on great after the first week or two... Cleo took a little longer but she was feral. Everyone had their own spot, that's one reason I have so much cat furniture (the movers left all the litter boxes and the cat trees). They were fine out in the garage together but had to go to the cat cage when they started the demo. Between that and the fan noise they bolted...but it is quiet now so I am trapping out back.

If nothing else they are vaxed, fixed, and chipped. If they get picked up I will get them back (after a fine). But I don't think they are far, and they plan to come back.

Friend sincerely grateful said...

Thank you so much for vaccinating, chipping and neutering 3 stray cats. Mom was not done nursing and pregnant again imagine the stress on her body she would have just kept going if you had not interviewed and who knows how many Cleo and Spot would have created if left to their own . That and you helped to stop the spread of feline disease in your neighborhood. it was a very selfless act and I for one am grateful for people like you who at least make efforts ..the cats are far better off for knowing you Heather !

Heather Knits said...

I have done everything I can for them at present.

Anonymous said...

What about your cats encountering cats that have not been vaccinated? That could contract a disease from these stray cats that have been neglected? You should never have brought them inside if you were just going to toss them out on the street for 7 days.

Anonymous said...

Not to mention the nuisance that all these cats are causing in the neighborhood. I get irritated by neighbors’ indoor/outdoor cats because the come on my property and piss in my garden and it smells like cat pee out there and gets my cat upset. It isn’t fair to the neighbors to have now 3 more cats shitting and pissing in everyone’s flower beds and upsetting their pets. Animals are territorial.

Heather Knits said...

I didn't toss them out.. I put them in a cat cage which they escaped. Not that I blame them, it was very loud with bad smells, I would have, too.