Saturday, December 14, 2019

Saturday afternoon

The depression came back so I just went to bed.  I slept OK and woke up with a headache.  Cleo slept with me when the other cats ran off, she is very loyal.

She's a really good little cat.  I found Ron in the kitchen when I got up, that makes the third time since I got up this morning.  I helped get him back to bed.

I had done a little "high finance" with Spotty and my savings.  I very reluctantly put the "leftover" money back in my savings, which I do not allow Ron to touch - he doesn't even know where I keep it.  I had thought maybe I could take "a little of it" and make a deposit, etc. but decided against that.

I do have about $60 in $1 bills so I will enjoy that if I need to buy something the next couple days.

I do get to sleep in a little tomorrow which is good. 

And maybe it will be as easy as that - Ron just asked me to check his blood sugar, which was high for a normal person.  I suggested we go in and see his doctor about maybe getting him some Metformin, told him he could lose his function if he didn't take care of that.

We actually know a diabetic who did lose his ability to get excited and had to have surgery to implant a pump.  That guy was very reckless eating and drinking lots of soda so maybe Ron will listen.  While there I will mention wet brain to the doctor in a note.

I don't know if Metformin can be taken with alcohol but it might be necessary.  His mother was a type 2 diabetic and I know that can be inherited.

My Dad is a type two which is how I had the supplies to test, I don't want to end up in a bad place.  And my internet is down so you won't read this for a while. 

I looked on my phone and alcoholics can have blood sugar lows which can be very bad, so maybe no Metformin for Ron after all...


Heather Knits said...

Well, I couldn't post that comment - the one word in it mainly (not abusive, just very blunt).

I could live without a sex life if it came to that - but it is very important to Ron which is why I brought up male performance - he would not want to lose what he has.

Antidepressants have played hell with my love life; but I need them to stay alive. But if I knew eating carbs would eliminate my ability to enjoy "love" one day, I would stop, and I would want to be warned, which is pretty much the attitude I took into my conversation with Ron. He took it in good spirits.

He does not want to end up with a pump like that guy we know (and he wouldn't shut up talking about it, to me).

Heather Knits said...

I couldn't post the other comment either but yes Ron is "active". He would be very upset to lose what he has. I got a very good book on the subject after the accident "Enabling Romance". The hospital should have handed them out.

I mean, FORGET it. Go in there with an eyeball hanging out and they're all business, an infected genital piercing (not that I have ever had one), no big deal, but ask them about positions or ability to "mingle" that night and they utterly freak and one doctor ran away. Is the thought of us together, at it, so horrifying? I have to wonder.

We figured it out on our own and have done OK considering.

I did get Ron to eat pretty low carb today. He still has that programming in his head that he is not allowed to eat protein foods, his parents were very poor, no assistance, 4 kids so they filled up a lot on starch and he was punished for eating "too much" protein. I am working with him on that and at one point told him "I bought that for you to eat".

Anonymous said...

The man uses piss bottles, doesn't bathe, is an abusive alcoholic and you are still active with him? I will never understand people.

Heather Knits said...

Not as much, I wasn't kidding about those antidepressants. But I made a commitment to one man and I am not into porn. :)