Friday, December 20, 2019

The table is for cats

And also a few cleaning supplies.


Anonymous said...

I can see many ways you could (inexpensively) organize this space you and Ron could eat at this table and use this area for storing the cat food and feeding cats. An inexpensive wire shelving unit up against that wall could be where the stacks of cat food could go so you could clear off the table. Put the dry food in a bin that fits on the shelf. Etc. you could have such a cute home and having an organized environment could do wonders for depression.

Anonymous said...

I think giving him food in bed is fine. Trying to feed him at the table would create new issues, new arguments and new ways to manipulate.

I recommend removing his food from the microwavable container to cool the food. Those microwavable containers are built to retain heat. They can seem cool while retaining hot spots. Dump the food on a plate to cool, stir it well to prevent pockets of heat, then put it in whatever container he will eat out of.

Anonymous said...

Is that an alligator food bowl under the chair?

If so, that is hilarious and I love it.

Heather Knits said...

That would be awesome, it is a scratcher with both silver vine and catnip. It was very popular for a while but has fallen out of favor.

The refillable Koala catnip toy got soaked in the Great Flood of 2019. :p