Friday, December 6, 2019

Friday afternoon

We went to work.  He has another wheelchair at work, wider, no arms, easier to stock.  He almost fell a couple of times trying to go from one to the other, thank God he did not.  He does this thing with his pants, he has pants I kid you not 6 inches too big, they were the only ones he wanted.  He keeps the belt loose. 

So everytime he goes from wheelchair to something else the pants fall down and he yells at me to "help".  It was very embarrassing doing this again and again on our trip to Austin.  Now, how can I brace him and pull up his pants at the same time?  I can't.  So he will "have his dignity" as he lays on the floor or he is going to show his crack (loose underwear, too) when he transfers.  Today it was the crack. 

It is completely un necessary to have the pants so loose.  If the neuropathy is really "that bad" he can take gabapentin again.  I may look into suspenders for him, actually. 

So I helped him with his work first, put him in the hall and did my work.  I didn't have all the supplies I needed but I had enough to at least fill most of it.  People had their basic items, at least. 

He wanted to leave early when I finished so we did that.  He called Arturo and then realized he didn't have any money.  I did not offer to bail him out.  He had to pay with $1 bills today.  Arturo was nice about it. 

We came home, I fed the cats. 

Last night Ron went out in the garage seeking alcohol at some ungodly hour.  I was in bed.  Spotty ran out and was trapped in the garage.  He peed in there as well, I can smell it.  I will have to get a blacklight and some enzyme cleaner. 

Ron blamed me for Spotty's escape until I told him I was NOT getting up at 3 AM to supervise as he got vodka.  Not to mention it is very loud, him getting the vodka, and it always wakes me up. 

His solution?  Bring in 3, 750 ml bottles of vodka.  I am not sure how long he expects them to last.  At least I won't have all the racket in the middle of the night waking me up. 

I am starting to think my chronic fatigue may be linked to him making a lot of noise repeatedly at night and waking me up.  No one functions well getting woken up again and again. 

It is ironic because I did not want babies because they wake you up again and again at night, are needy and dependent... but Ron has been worse than that for far longer than a standard infant. 

I was petting Baby Girl and telling her she is pretty, etc. 

Yesterday during one of our arguments about Baby Girl I tried to tell Ron about the grooming mitt.  Today he brought it up on his own and told me he wanted me to order one so he could groom her.  Finally!  I said I had already ordered one.  He was very surprised. 

So he may be responsible after all.  I will still be grooming her daily, if he wants to help, great.  The grooming mitt is pleasant for the animal so she shouldn't have an issue with that.  We also discussed possible bath times (no, he said, but maybe a wet washcloth). 

I cleaned the litter boxes while he was in the bathroom and then took a nap.  I had a pretty good day at work and wore my Meowy Christmas tshirt which the employees liked. 

I don't know what I will wear tomorrow.  Probably a plain t-shirt.  I also need to decorate but hard when I am not feeling festive. 

I took some kratom at various points today, for my headache, and it was helpful.  I like to shake up modalities and do different things.  The hemp gummies arrive tomorrow and I will see how those work.  I am hopeful they will prove useful. 

I also need to figure out dinner.  I may do Uber eats.  I am not sure.  I am feeling depressed but I need to take my pills.  I have 2 hours left in my eating window so I had better get cracking. 

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