Thursday, December 19, 2019

He burned his leg again

I don't really think about it - never really processed this, until this morning.  Ron has neuropathy which means he doesn't have normal feeling in his legs.  They are often numb, I believe. 

How do I know this - how did I finally process he can't feel heat, and pain? 

He likes to sit around the house in a tshirt and underwear (male, of course).  I was looking down at him in the wheelchair and I saw a new blister on his left thigh instead of the right.  The right side has a horrible scar but it is healed. 

I realized it had to be the Mega-bowl.  Banquet makes these things called Mega-bowls, it is a large bowl with (in this case) mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, lots of white gravy, and chicken fried beef steak bites.  Ron likes them a lot and asked for one last night. 

I gave it a couple minutes to cool and thought we were OK, but his leg says "No, you were wrong".  So I have a new policy, he wants to sit in bed and eat with the bowl between his legs - which could end REAL bad for him one day but his choice - and eat.  He doesn't want a tray, we went through this after the last burn. 

He ate most of it last night and gave it back to me to store in the fridge.  I didn't check his legs because I'm not in the habit. 

So we have another small burn.  The gravy - I am HATING gravies for him because THEY ALL BURN HIM.  HATE gravy now.  And I grew up in a gravy loving household. 

Anyway, the gravy must have got on his leg, he didn't feel the heat or the pain, he said he noticed the blister last night and wondered what it was.  I have a basket of first aid supplies and blood sugar gear in the front room. 

So I got out the disinfectant, applied that, the blister is still intact and hopefully will remain so - they heal a lot faster that way.  I applied the generic brand neosporin. 

This stuff:  Dr-Sheffield-Triple-Antibiotic-Ointment.  Love that stuff, used it on the first burn, the finger (also nicely healed) and now this.  Then I applied an antibacterial bandage.  I just did a standard size bandaid, the blister is only about an inch square. 

I flat out asked him "Are you doing this to get attention?" and he said no. 

So, new rule: WE ARE DOING A TOWEL IN THE LAP NOW.  I have an older towel, but still thick.  He was quite happy to get the towel and that I wanted to avoid hurting him, even though he doesn't feel it. I will just wash it as needed, he can keep it next to his bed.  If he heats up something himself (not very often) he eats in the kitchen so that won't be a risk. 

He only wants to eat in bed and does not want any sort of tray. 

But UGH. 

I woke up in the middle of the night again, I don't know what is going on.  I drank some juice and went back to sleep, slept OK.  On a side note Ron said he had a terrible time sleeping last night.  Maybe he woke me up?  But he seemed quiet so I don't know. 

He doesn't want to go to work, it will be more hectic tomorrow but I guess that is what we're doing. 

I was already up so I just stayed up.  I can hopefully take a nap later.  Ron was good about taking his b vitamin, complained a little but wasn't actively fighting me on it. 

I have noticed a difference with his attitude, he is still depressed but not as hateful or belligerent.  So a lot of his behavior may go to a vitamin deficiency.  A lot - not all.  I am not excusing anything but if I can get a better version via a few vitamins I am damned well doing it. 

Mama cat just used her scratcher so hopefully will solve her own problem.  She just wanted a cardboard scratcher, higher up off the floor.  Which I have done and she uses it several times a day while I am sitting there. 

The kittens are running amok, I played with them with the squeaky mouse wand toy and they loved that, but got bored and wandered off.  Maybe I should get out the tennis balls.  Done. 

If I ever made a list for someone getting a cat:
Squeaky mouse wand toy
24 inch litter box
Scooping litter
Metal long handled litter box scoop.
Cardboard scratchers
Catnip with silver vine in it. 

I plan to take a shower and then go to a store nearby that sells Kratom, see what they have, how much.  I don't think I am going to find a better deal than I'll get online.  Then come home and take a nap. 

I am just sitting here thinking there are 4 gas stations within a mile of my house and how funny that is as we are not in an overly developed area.  But they all make enough money to stay in business.  And I don't have a car. 

I bought gas for my uncle when we drove to Austin but other than that I can't recall the last time I bought gas. Probably for Chuck. 

I wonder what led to his big goodbye call to Ron - maybe Ron drunk dialed him one night.  But he left a message saying "he couldn't help us any more".  I can get a Uber to and from Walmart for $10 each way with a stingy tip included.  I was paying Chuck $40 round trip.  We paid him for every ride we got.  So I pay half as much and don't have to hear disgusting pervert talk about the woman he is abusing.  That was a pretty easy call and I never tried to "patch it up". 

Uber is way better for me anyway.  Better driving, vehicles, prices... thank you Joe!  I just needed a little kick in the butt.  It is nice to know I have an affordable, convenient, fast, ride now whenever I want it.  That is the great thing about living in the big city, even in the suburbs. 

I do wonder what my rating is. 


Anonymous said...

Sorry. He’s not an ass because of vitamin deficiency. It’s more like a heart deficiency.

Heather Knits said...

A little of both, I am thinking. He has been MUCH nicer since I started giving him the B's.

Anonymous said...

He is 100% ass

Anonymous said...

No he goes through patterns of being nice to being abusive. If you kept a journal you would see the pattern. Vitamins for 2 days don't change a person that fast. Plus i thought you were going to use a tray with his food from now on. That worked for one day. How about a no eating hot food in bed rule? If he can go into the kitchen for vodka he can go into the kitchen for food or at least the living room

Heather Knits said...

Sometimes he doesn't want the tray, very frustrating. I am just trying to keep him intact and REALLY uncomfortable about all that hot food right by his privates. The towel will work for now, I don't do any stew-y or soupy things so that ought to work for him.

He is easier to live with on the B-vitamins. What is it they say correlation does not equal causation? But I wouldn't want to take him off them.

Anonymous said...

B vitamins have nothing to do with his behavior. Literally nothing.

Anonymous said...

I still can't believe you have sex or any type of physical contact with that nasty piss man.

Anonymous said...

He has been on the B-Vitamins for 3 days. When he has another outburst when he is on them(and he will it is just a matter of time) then what will you blame?

He is being good right now because he has another burn.

Heather Knits said...

He had good behavior before the burn.

To the other comment, he is not all bad. There is good in most people if you look for it.

Anonymous said...

He has had good behavior since he got his pain pills. He was especially terrible and abusive in the days and hours leading up to his pain doctor appointment. I suspect this pattern repeats predictably.

I completely agree with the commenter who suggested keeping a journal. If you tracked his behavior, drinking, alleged pain level, medication and supplements taken, and activities for a few months I think you would see some interesting patterns. It would also be very helpful to his present and future medical team. It could all fit on a calendar, which would be easy to fill in daily.

Anonymous said...

Now i know you have stockholm syndrome. Remember he is still good next time he verbally abuses you. Which i predict will happen tomorrow.

Heather Knits said...

I can keep a notebook, I have plenty of empty ones. That's a good idea.

Ron once said his pain level was "fine" but when pressed said it was an 8.

He's good and bad mixed together, I think that is most of us. Happily I have medication to keep me from acting on the bad half.

Anonymous said...

Please make him eat at your table in the kitchen clean the table set his food up and walk off I would not bring him food in his room every again . Tell him once he is done eating in there. It is bad enough he is peeing in there .
Please if he can drink in the kitchen he can eat in at a table out in the house somewhere . Please that is just horrible that he is eating and peeing in bed.

Anonymous said...

I just want to clarify...I suggest tracking everything I listed without telling him.

I believe he is in pain. I also believe he is incredibly manipulative. That's why his "fine" level of pain became an "8" when pressed. Don't press for answers.

Heather Knits said...

The towel catches all the crumbs.

Anonymous said...

You just don't get it heather. I don't think yiu ever will. You allow him to do whatever he wants even at the expense of your own needs and wants. There is no reason he can't eat at a table or at least with a food tray of some sort. Maybe he treats you badly because he has no respect for you because you won't make rules for bim to follow. A group home would not put up with this shit.