Friday, December 27, 2019

Friday morning

So I went to Walmart, late, for me, around 7 PM.  Ubers were awesome. 

I went by my bank, they are open late, and put in $100 for more Ubers.  Glad to do it (Ron's money, not mine). 

He is in turtle mode hiding in his room with Baby Girl. 

Biscuit is at the vet of course, the other cats were in the cage but got out.  I will be looking into a dog house to put in the backyard for a shelter for them while this is going on.  I need to return the wet vac, it is taking up a lot of space. 

So I got everything on my list, air mattress, pump, toiletries basically, a lot of soda for me, some drinks for the guys (one is a red Powerade man and the other likes Coke).  I believe in hospitality. 

Horrific long line to check out but done with that, got a Uber in minutes, came home.  Uber is just so much faster and more reliable than cabs.  And I have a five star rating as a passenger which makes me very happy. 

Got home, set up, put the cold stuff (Ron wanted a lot of breakfast bowls and they are very good from nutrition standpoint) in the fridge.  Got out the bed.  Got the pump - and it is 12 volt. 

[curses]  Ron offered to blow it up manually and made a valiant effort.  I was stubborn, stressed out, and I'm very tenacious in those situations, I got that mother blown up all the way.  But I did order a pump from Amazon. 

I had 2 sleeping bags, 3 pillows.  I slept very well. 

It is not much fun getting up but I did it.  And this is not forever. 

I got up around 7 (guys are coming around 11 they said), checked on Ron and the cats.  I saw Mama cat in the backyard but she ran off when I opened the door to the house and she heard the noise. 

Baby Girl is with Ron and seems OK.  She has water, food, box, and company.  He has a very small room, about 8 by 8, so not really a lot of room especially with the toilet chair.  I put his wheelchair in my bedroom. 

I made a list of things I need to do and did them.  I called Roto Rooter - I love those guys, everyone is so kind and professional.  A plumber is coming out to do an estimate.  I will also have him do a separate quote for kitchen sink and the toilet.  Both need replacing but I don't think Dad should pay for them. 

I took a shower and it was very refreshing.  I am about due for my cycle, everyone has respected that, and I have my supplies.  This would be a good time to be a cup user though. 

So right now it is waiting on the plumber, and waiting on the restoration guys.  I still need to count the money and go to the bank to change that into "real" money.  I need to go to Home Depot and return the shop vac, and while there look for dog houses for the cats.  I need to go to Walmart and return the 12 volt pump unless my aunt wants it.   That is pretty much it for today. 

Tomorrow I have to do my supply run, go stock, and come home.  I don't know if the restoration guys will work I think they are pretty much done with the actual labor part of tearing everything out.  We just need the machines to work (I will hate to see my electric bill) for a while and suck all the water out. 

I am starting to feel like those huge dehumidifiers are becoming family members. 


Anonymous said...

I think you are manic and wasting money. Why would your aunt want a 12 volt pump? How did you get the air mattress blown up? What kind of lazy people show up at 11 am to work. Demo should have taken only one day. You may need someone like your aunt to supervise these workers because this is not going well. Plus again your dad is NOT paying for anything. He is giving you a loan not a gift
There is a difference. You will have to pay it back. You will be lucky to get all your cats back when this is over - alive. It would have been cheaper for you to get some chicken wire from home depot plus some heavy guage wire and wire cutters and secure the hole in the catio yourself.

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of any bank being open past 6 pm.

Heather Knits said...

They are open till 8 most nights, weekends as well (even Sunday). Very low rates and a great fraud department. Very happy with the bank but told by another reader not to name them. They are reigonal.

Heather Knits said...

I blew it up with my lungs, and Ron helped.

They worked until well after 7 so I didn't care, the work got done. I assure you a ball buster would not have gotten the quality work I did.

I had already blocked the hole when I put them out, but they got out some other way. They are what you would call motivated and the fans are so loud you can hear them 50 feet away from the house with the doors and windows shut. The cats understandably want to get away from that.

Anonymous said...

So all the cats (except for Biscuit and Baby Girl are outside)?? Not judging just asking.

Anonymous said...

"I am about due for my cycle, everyone has respected that"

What does that mean? Who is everyone, and why does everyone know that?

Anonymous said...

Is Ron basically stuck in his room?

Heather Knits said...

Like an inmate with a bed and toilet chair.

I had my tampons out on the edge of the tub and no one took them away/moved them when they emptied the bathroom.

All the cats are outside, basically.

Yes, I blew up the mattress, I am very stubborn.

Deleted all hater and abusive comments. [makes rude gesture] Takes a real person of character to attack someone in a situation like this.

Anonymous said...

Does Ron know to move around, even if he does it in bed, to avoid blood clots and bed sores? I feel bad for him in that room. That's rough.

He is probably eligible for some sort of emergency respite if needed.

Heather Knits said...

I will tell him - the insurance will absolutely pay for a hotel and I discussed it with him, there are a fair amount of by-the-week places nearby. He seems stubborn and I believe the worst of it is over by Tuesday.