Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Not happy with #6

I don't keep a high bar for #6... if they are generally quiet and don't damage my house much I am content.  He is very nosy.  He likes to think he is a great guy and make offers to help...

But one example, I had a burst pipe in the yard, pretty upset, had to cut off the water and couldn't do it.  I went over there and asked him to help, he cut off the water, then he walked all around my house looking into windows being nosy "since he was over anyway".  I kept telling him the pipe was in our yard only. 

Another time he came over and did some yard work without asking, then asked me if his kid could "come get his ball now and then when he loses it".  It sounded innocuous enough, it ended with large packs of screaming kids roaming my yard at all hours, day and night, years later.  I had to revoke permission. 

Then he came over and said he was taking my driveway.  I said, no, you're not.  "But I need it, and you don't have a car!"  I told him I still needed the space for the wheelchair van and he would have to figure out alternate parking, but he did not have permission to use my driveway ever,  He had a freaking tantrum on the porch like a toddler, in front of his son no less, very embarrassing. 

I think his marriage is worse than mine.  He is very immature and probably a wife beater.  "Old country" thinking to "keep her in line". 

Then he made a remark about "just come over and he would help Ron if he fell".  But when he saw Ron on the floor of the garage he did not come over to help. 

He came over during one flood event just to see if we had flooded.  It was very nosy, and apparent even though he said he was "just checking if you needed help".  BS, I thought, but I didn't know. 

Well, I know now.  We have had movers, plumbers, and "Water restoration" (most common) trucks out front, it is apparent we are in some sort of crisis.  #11 could not have been nicer, deeply concerned, compassionate, and very relieved we were not moving.  Just an all around great guy - I always liked him but now I think he's awesome. 

So, #6 sees all this.  His first name is Jose.  So Jose sees all this going on next door.  Does he come over to check on us?  Help?  No.  Say "I'm really sorry this happened but I hope you have a Merry Christmas"?  No. 

He has his yearly all night party.  Joke's on him, the humidifiers were so loud we heard NOTHING last night.  Ha ha ha. 

But I woke up at midnight and found one of his butthead buddies had parked in our driveway.  Not in front of it, IN it, like they lived here.  I was furious but I have been battling a migraine so I left it alone, but I came very close to calling a tow truck.  I think the only reason I didn't, I was naked and did not want to get dressed to deal with the tow truck. 

I was furious... that was bad enough. 

Today I decided to toss all the soaked clothes from the laundry room save a very few items.  So I bagged it all up (cats are great) and took them out to the curb.  Food trash from the party ALL OVER my front yard. 

F*cking RUDE inconsiderate assholes kicking us when we're down.  Joke's on him, though, his house is as old as mine which means so is his plumbing. 

I have never seen them repipe during all his improvements so it's a ticking time bomb for him and one day it will be him. 

So now it's official, I have absolutely ZERO expectation of them ever being decent humans, ever.  I can't imagine knowing a neighbor is in crisis and throwing trash in their yard.  As if I don't have enough cleanup. 


Anonymous said...

Why do you keep saying the cats are great when Cleo is still missing? You said you would find her today. Guess you forgot about that.

Heather Knits said...

I never said "I am going to find Cleo on Christmas". I have gone outside and looked, called her - she was always good about coming to me outside even before. Someone ate the food. Merry Christmas whatever you were.

I have checked the catio to make sure she isn't pinned out there, they had the door open to that for a bit.

I have looked in my room and don't see her. I will go look under Ron's bed right now, that is the only place I can think of. Not there either.