Thursday, December 12, 2019

"You were drunk"

#6 had a party last night but pretty tame by their standards.  They wrapped it up around 11 because it was a weeknight.  I slept pretty well after that. 

I woke up a few times but not bad, went right back to sleep, slept in until a few minutes before my alarm.  I had a dream where I was told to bolt if I ever heard a three word phrase I will not share.  It was very interesting. 

Is it "my subconcious"?  I don't know, but it was a very odd phrase and I will certainly sit up if I hear it. 

I did realize this morning I need more cat carriers if I want to get them out at the same time - which I would do.  I couldn't take a chance of Ron spitefully letting the left behind cats out because I had to make 2 trips.  I will make that a priority.  I did ask for a cat carrier for my birthday and Christmas but it is apparently a "bad" gift so nothing.  The item I suspect is "mine" is very light in a medium cardboard box and way too small to be a carrier. 

Ron has consistently said he could not take care of the cats without me so I will be taking Baby Girl. 

That's something I could have really used (a carrier).  I am not one for little knickknacky things.  Ron's mother had a collection of glass things and Ron knocked one over, visiting.  She had a blind son and still did that - we got her a replacement but I still felt she should have known.  I have one glass figurine on a bookcase well out of Ron's range, it is two owls snuggled together, one has a chip in it.  I have had it almost 30 years and am very careful with it.  I found it at a thrift shop. 

Ron was quiet, which is good.  He found his keys - the work keys that have been missing forever, in a bag of snacks. 

I had worried an unethical employee at work might have found them and was using them to access the machines - a pretty big concern.  I even considered changing out all they locks (not cheap, would cost hundreds).  I am very glad I was wrong and we don't need to do that. 

Ron kept asking how he could do that and I said "you were drunk, beginning and end of story".  He didn't like that but I didn't let him off the hook - every time he asked "how" I said "You were drunk".

Now I won't have him bugging me to unlock vending machines for him all the time, although he did say I was very gracious about it.   That's good.  I didn't have a gracious attitude but apparently hid it well. 

I am very dizzy today, it is tiresome.  I took some guiafenisen in case my ears are clogged, I can't take decongestants with the Wellbutrin (fatal seizure) so I have to take the mucus pill, it works pretty well.  I don't have vertigo I feel very lightheaded like the time I donated "double reds" and had a pretty acute anemia out of that. 

I called the vet, Spotty isn't eating, they say that is normal.  I suggested they give him a soup (I packed a couple) as he loves that and it will get a few calories into him.  I will call after my nap and see if he's better, if not I will walk over some cat food (canned of course). 

Biscuit is missing Spotty and knocked over a chair in the front room.  I praised him for doing it, I thought it was funny, he was standing so proudly on the "dead" plastic chair.  I still haven't replaced that wood rocker I had but the cats are safe when I sit in the plastic chair.  I will get a wood one eventually. 

I got a breakfast bowl into Ron.  He was in the kitchen drinking this morning but did eat after I got him back to bed (he almost fell). 

I took my shower.  I didn't have room for the mac and cheese I had delivered (got the groceries, a very nice family brought them), so I cooked it and will eat it.  Last I checked it was "white lava" hot so I waited.  I would rather have a colder product and not burn my mouth. 

I really hate burning my mouth. 

I am listening to "When the love runs out" on repeat. 


Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with calling you and ron out on your hoarding. There are different levels of hoarding. Ron hoards bottles of urine and trash. It is just a fact based on your posts on this blog.

Heather Knits said...

See, that was OK. I had no problem with that even though it wasn't nice, it wasn't horrible either.

Regarding the urinals, he is just lazy. He will throw away the trash if I get in there and drill him, but he has to be pretty sober for that so good luck.

Alex said...

Do you have an Amazon wishlist? If you link to it I would but you a carrier. I'm sure I'm not the only commenter who would, either. It's not charity, it is a small payment for the reading material you provide us with your blog.

Heather Knits said...

I think I will. It is not hard to find my name and address as it is.

I am not interested in "monetizing" the blog but I do get a lot of readers, 17K last month.