Friday, December 27, 2019

Sick of all the personal attacks

You are all being DELETED. 

It is my life and I am living it.  I don't tell you how to live your life so I don't see why you would be so vicious.  I don't ask for anything from you so why do you feel you can crap on me? 

Some of you have consistently attacked my personal choices, ongoing, for years.  In most cases I have allowed it as I understand you don't all have my POV.  But these attacks are beyond awful and I will turn off comments entirely if you keep it up. 


Anonymous said...

People are upset because of what is happening with your cats. Surely you can understand that.

Anonymous said...

Internet trolls suck. You are doing the best you can in a crappy situation. You don't just have yourself but Ron and your sweet kitties. Just do what you can. God will work it out for you. Hugs and prayers.

Friend said...

Heather please turn the comments off if it sucks your emotional energy . Some of those comments you let through were brutal and I was triggered just reading them.
You are doing the best you can and the picture is larger than the smaller version you give us each day.
It is none of our business and anyone can just move on if they do not like what they are reading.

Wishing you well during this I will check in again soon I have to catch up on the cat drama but I get how things like this happen and honestly attacking you is not going to help anything. Happy New Year!

Heather Knits said...

I understand people are upset but attacking me does nothing to solve the problem. Someone mailed me a carrier, that helps. My stepsister sent me an Amazon card, that paid for half the dog house I am putting out back. Both helped a lot.

Invective does nothing.

Thank you for the support, that's why I keep the comments around.