Friday, December 13, 2019

A Spotty video

We just had another one of those stupid episodes - I guess that's the best term - where Ron got confused and went off on me as a result.  I told him "I am walking out of the room" and did just that. 

It is only fair to tell a blind person you are walking off, even though most "blind" people do have a little vision.  I left him alone and ignored his railing (I am not going to dissect the whole thing other than to say he was confused).  It stopped after a while.  It was quiet for a while.  And then he apologized to me. 

I forgave him, the Bible is pretty clear on that, and made a joke, but these incidents are troubling.  I got him to agree to see a neurologist, and found one nearby in the paratransit service area that takes Medicare.  That is the great thing about Houston, we have a specialist behind every corner. 

He was not ready to make an appointment but I am going to remind him about it.  I think he is taking the "If I don't get diagnosed then nothing is wrong with me" approach which is all wrong.  Like I told Ron, a lot of times they can fix something in the early stages but it is too late later on. 

If I had to guess I would say alcohol is affecting his mind.  You cannot consume a fifth a day and be OK out of it, especially if your nutrition is lacking.  But we will see. 

I made a short Spotty video.  He's in Ron's wheelchair. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is so cute and a little ham.