Thursday, December 19, 2019

We'll see if this gets me in trouble.

About a week ago, I got on the Blogger help forum and asked if they had an issue with me discussing Kratom use.  They said they respond to most questions within a day.  They have not responded. 

So I am going to assume it is OK to talk about Kratom use. 

I have been using a small amount (less than a gram a day and then not even some days).  I find it helps with my mood and energy level without the jitters of caffeine.  It has been used for hundreds of years and I am pretty read up on tolerance, addiction, etc. so I feel confident I will avoid the drawbacks. 

Yesterday, today, tomorrow, all "off" days, then one capsule Saturday, Sunday off, one capsule of a different variety Monday.  You get the idea, careful. 

I was thinking about making an online order but I either need to ante up some $$ for capsules, get the powder - which means I would have to cap them myself.  That's why I have empty capsules on the list, if I get some I will buy some powder online and do it myself.

And a smoke shop?  Head shop?  Shop of borderline illegal psychoactive substances?  opened up not far from my house, walking distance. 

So I took some money and walked over there.  I had my stun gun and a good pair of shoes.  It was a little over a mile. 

It was a very nice, clean, shop, open floorplan, nice owner, I explained I was looking for kratom and he asked me what I was using, I explained I prefer greens and whites but my husband is a "red" man.  He had about 8 varieties.  He showed me what they had. 

They had better prices, I could get a bag of capsules for $7.  I got the "Trainwreck" blend because I have been curious about it "It has a little of everything in it" he explained, and some green, let me see what...Green Malay.  I like the white Malay so it seems like a good choice.  I already have my usage set up for the next couple weeks, but I will add it into rotation. 

I have read taking the same one again and again will build up tolerance and eventually render it ineffective.  It is better to take something different every day or so, and to take days off of usage.  Both of which I am doing.  But $7 is a huge bargain for me. 

I saw something which looked very familiar, he let me smell it, sure remember that smell from our days in CA.  He said it had the THC removed and was just bred for a high CBD content, which is good for pain.  I bought a small unit of that. 

I got soda at the gas station and came home.  Ron cannot find his pipe so I had to order another one ($5), but if it works for my migraines it is money well spent.  Raw CBD stuff seems to be pretty vile tasting?  So not something I want to deal with when I am already likely queasy.  The gummies have been great for headaches but not with the bad ones.  Maybe this will help, maybe not.  It is safer than a pharmaceutical and will not interact with my medication like the common migraine drugs. 

Smoking seems like a good medium for migraine relief.  We will see. 

Anyway, he was a very nice man and I certainly plan to buy some kratom from him in the future, it is local, I can pay cash, paying online for this stuff is a huge hassle as the credit card companies are weird about it.  I don't have to wait on shipping, etc.  I could go on. 

I imagine he is open late, he is near two busy streets so I hope he gets a lot of traffic. 

I ate a snack and laid down for a while, there she went again with the trash can.  I really hope God one days shows me I was not that sort of neighbor and that's all I will say.  I have figured out the working hours next door (other side) and super careful to respect them. 

Then Chewy came.  So I got up and got the box of cat food (2 cases, the liver and beef one, and the scallop one), plus 2 huge deep "dish" litter boxes.  These are nice and big with high sides and really eliminate a lot of "fling".  I have 3 of them now.  I also have 3 low boxes because Torbie is old and I always want her to have an easy time with her box.  I kept her most frequent boxes low but she used the front room box before I had even finished setting it up. 

Jackson Galaxy says litter is a huge scent soaker, so I scooped all the boxes first.  Then I dumped the litter from the old box into the new one, and that's where Torbie jumped in.  When she finished I positioned it.  I just realized I have 8 boxes, not 7.  No one is complaining!  Glad I got them, not "fun", a pinch in the budget (not much), but necessary and will make everyone's life easier. 

I like to mix the cans of cat food into trays so I can just select a different flavor at random, every day.  I have done that with about 50 cans of cat food, then I have 2 cases of Mixed Grill.  I stacked the scallop, and the beef, with it.  When I use up my 2 "mixtrays" I can mix up more from the other cases. 

I looked at Spotty's teeth today and they looked fantastic.  He's a good boy and very glad he can eat without pain.  The other cats have pretty much gotten over their dry food addiction but I have the better part of a 20 pound bag of dry food now.  This always happens.  Used to be I could give it to my friend Mike. 

He is the one that had the stroke and almost died.  I am very glad he is doing better, but he will not be coming back to work.  I had texted a few times (2-3) and his wife sent me a long text back basically saying "It was nice knowing you, now leave us alone".  OK, I can take a hint.  So I guess he doesn't want my cat food any more, if I had anything the cats didn't like I could give it to him and he was always so happy for it. 

I don't know the address of the spanish lady who feeds the cats in our subdivision.  Otherwise I would give it to her.  I'll figure something out but Doc really prefers the cats to eat wet food, and she said Friskies was fine. 

I already cleaned the litter boxes so I'm the champ!  Now I have the old boxes soaking in cleanser in the bathtub.  Once I get them cleaned off I will put them in the garage.  Clearly I am not going to have any issues with the new box. 

I am particularly excited about the new boxes because both locations there was a lot of fling.  Baby Girl is just a digger and loves to use the one in Ron's room - now she's got a bigger box, she will love that.  And all the cats like the box by the front door and that is changed out. 

I need to figure out what I am eating today for dinner.  I had a protein shake earlier so I don't have to have perfect nutrition. 

I do have to confess I had an issue.  The other day at Walmart they had a six pack of Payday candy bars.  I have determined most days I can eat peanuts if they are not overly processed.  So I bought them.  Bad idea.  Last night I had a Payday binge and good news I don't have to worry about them anymore, but NOT buying more.  And if you send me something please don't send any Payday!  :D 

So I want to eat something better than that but not huge.  I already took my pills so it doesn't need to be hearty, I will probably have one of my italian pasta things. 

I am still doing intermittent fasting so I will stop eating at 7.  Ron already made trips for tomorrow so we will do work. 

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