Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Wednesday morning

I didn't sleep well last night, worried about Spotty. 

I just didn't feel well today... I forgot I am still sick.  My aunt had an unknown fever - they tested her for everything - last month and I may have picked it up from her.  If so, it has a long incubation. 

I have told Ron to take whatever supplements he has faith in.  I am still taking my oregano oil. 

But I still had to get up at 4, and work.  So I did.  I stocked, helped Ron stock (always the longest), got a delivery, etc.  We did it all and came home, now I get a few days off. 

I am primarily lightheaded and a little bit of chills and fever going, but not high.  A slight headache but not bad by any stretch. 

Last night I burned a candle while I slept (I made sure it was safe), it was very nice and I may do that again tonight.  I can enjoy the fragrance, the headache is not that bad, and Ron didn't seem to mind. 

He, I suspect, has multiple chemical sensitivity.  And it is ironic because he used to mock people who had it.  Just like he used to say people in wheelchairs were too demanding.  Better be careful who you mock! 

Oh, I feel weird.  I didn't even feel this bad when I was toxic from lithium.  Which could have killed me, and this won't.  I don't have any neck pain, bladder or sinus trouble so not worried. 

Ron is being OK, I never realized how often he wants something.  Other than that he is fine.  I gave him some honey roasted peanuts which will probably be his dinner but they have protein, and I'm sick, so I don't feel bad.  I have to take care of myself. 

I have taken all my pills for the day.  Like I told Ron, it's bad enough being sick without adding crazy to it.  I hate uncontrolled moods.  Hate them with a passion. 

I am glad Ron is such a fan of the peanuts.  That was a very easy fix. 

I have a grocery delivery tomorrow morning, and I will call to check on Spotty, and then I get him Friday.  The vet was very concerned about his gingivitis which was apparently very bad - and he is so young! 

I will have to watch that.  I will always keep my animals comfortable.  She said he will require a wet food diet from now on which I will of course provide (nothing special, just wet food instead of dry). 

I am listening to "Till the love runs out" on repeat for now. 


Friend said...

Heather the black light works well then from what I am reading ? ! That is very cool and wow! Is it for all pet stains ? Human? dog? or just cat? I will have to read more that is something that anyone who adopts animals would need in their tool belt.
You have your hands full you could have picked up anything anywhere it just sometimes can not be helped . It is awful this time of year I did not to to a follow up appt for myself because the lobby is so full of sick people and honestly right now I am well so why risk it?

So sorry you are not feeling well I truly do empathize and hope you get some badly need rest and bucket filling time.
Also I can not speak for anyone else but the idea that someone is calling you those horrific names just seems so brutal I am not sure how you read them at all when you check the comments before posting.

The lack of support and sometimes down right cruel comments you get as it is has caused me to stop reading them . I feel ridiculous responding in any way to curmudgeonly anonymous strangers who can not find kind words to say to you..and pick through other peoples comments so this is the last I will say dear person you have a right to your feelings but your bitterness oozes out everywhere and I feel so badly for YOU HEATHER OMG ! you are seeing worse behind the scenes when you filter through the comments for posting...You go through enough in life, then share with us and to bite back and fuss is just silliness so have my love and support with out judgment ...along many others and I am GLAD I READ THE COMMENTS there were so many nice ones to see ! I learned so much about kitty rescue from the folks who supported you during this . Great tips on how to care for the kitties .

Making lemonade out of lemons is not a bad thing at all ..AGAIN you saved those kitties!!!! Be proud ! I loved seeing it happen and even in the adverse situation you were in you took in little beings and cared for them ! you achieved getting Spotty /EVERYONE of those kitties is neutered good for you be proud ....they are all adorable, well loved. Well cared for and well fed ... OOOXXX I just am so happy you got this far with them good for you!

Heather Knits said...

The black light lit up the stain like a Christmas tree, and it was pretty pungent out there. Ron's fault, he locked Spotty out there all night.

It will also light up cleaning products and pest bait (boric acid) so be aware of that.

It didn't show up any of the blood or human urine I had cleaned up already. Years ago, Ron fell and cracked his head on the tile floor, made a blood trail back to his room, that didn't show up either. I had of course mopped in the meantime. The litter boxes glowed sort of pink/red/purple.

About the comments, they can be mixed, I am OK with that. I have heard plenty worse. Flack and name calling seem to go with the internet for some reason.

Anonymous said...

I love how “Friend” gets a pass to name call.

Heather Knits said...

Curmudgeon is a lot different from "Stupid bitch" or "moron". It means an irritable or grumpy person, which can certainly apply to some readers.

My stepbrother (not the abuser) used to say, "Only the TRUTH hurts".

I am emailing with "Friend" so I have a very good insight. Unlike some I don't get the "why don't you stupid bitch" routine.