Friday, December 20, 2019

It's been a really long day

Neither of us slept for the second night in a row.  My problem was in part due to Biscuit hogging most of the bed. 

Got up, did it anyway.  I have reached some conclusions about my personal care routine.  I am no longer using soap on my face.  Any soap is just too drying and I have always had oily skin.  Now I imagine it would be about standard. 

I had some facial wipes, I used one last night and my face felt fine today, so I will just use one at night.  I got dressed, got Ron ready, off to the races. 

But.  Our ride was late.  We finally got to work to find the other vendor's people using my cart again, they reluctantly gave it back.  Here's what I don't get, OK, you have SIX of your own carts, I have ONE.  You have room in the stockroom, why not just BUY ANOTHER?  They have the room, they will be reimbursed... but they keep using mine every time I turn around. 

I got to work, but sales were pretty grim.  I saw literally dozens of employees sitting down eating cake, sitting down in front of my vending machines.  Management is taking the old "The way to their heart is through their stomach" approach.  Again and again and again. 

Very discouraging.  And the bottled vendor wasn't working so we had to call the repair man. 

We finally left, the driver came, just not making good decisions loading Ron, doing things the unnecessary hard way, almost tipped Ron out of his wheelchair, etc. 

She wanted to know ALL about working at the plant.  We explained we are contract vendors.  Then she wanted to play business consultant and tell us how to build an empire and go to all the processing plants in Houston - there is only one, the others are literally counties away - etc.  Just an ignorant person trying to tell us how to do our business which I found annoying.  She couldn't even unload him properly but I did get him off safely. 

We went to the bank, did our business.  Ron wanted to go to Walmart to get his medication so we did that, I left him up front at his request and then got the pills.  I didn't need to go to my bank, and Walmart will deliver pretty much anything in the store if I wanted. 

I did get myself (Ron "wasn't hungry" - translated, he won't eat until he drinks so he will get drunker) a bacon cheeseburger, I guess you would call that my comfort food these days. 

We came home.  I had to do several housework/chore items which I did, including cleaning the litter box, and grooming Baby Girl.  I did all that and washed my hands, then ate my burger.  It was still good even cold. 

Something is telling me to go check the mail.  I will do that.   OH, goody, sales tax form.  Not quite a treat, that. 

I will be going to bed early tonight and hopefully sleeping well.  I am pretty tired. 

I took a kratom capsule when I got up and that helped a lot with mood and energy level.  It was some of the new stuff and it worked very nicely.  If something can help out without causing interactions or freak outs I will take it. 

Ron basically told God he wished he was dead, all day, and why wouldn't God take him, so I needed all the help I can get.  I really think on some level all the drinking, etc. is Ron trying to kill himself.  We do our inventory supply run and some stocking tomorrow but it shouldn't be too bad. 


Anonymous said...

Reminder to not call your parents today. Wait until Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Agree with anonymous!!

Heather Knits said...

My aunt is all set to drop everything and race to our rescue... my little drama as been up on FB all day and not even a text from the parents.. says a lot.

They always tell me they are so busy then she tells me they stay home all the time...I just have to figure they don't want to talk.

And they probably wrongly figure I would use this to ask for money, even though I haven't asked them for money in 26 years - and that money I paid back.