Sunday, December 22, 2019

Gold star cat

Ron was having chronic pain issues so I got the hemp flower out for him.  He was very skeptical.  I got this at the local head shop.  It is barely legal and a couple of large buds in mylar.  I had to buy a pipe to finish it, and when the pipe arrived (amazon) he didn't want to try it.  But he was desperate. 

It worked, and he slept great.  He would definitely use it again, and, like I said:
No ugliness
No falling and hurting himself.

So a lot better than alcohol.  I guess this would be a CBD bud?  I would rather he did this than alcohol.  It is legal in Houston.

Can't say enough about it.  And he was impressed with the pain relief, he wasn't complaining hours later when I got up.  He used very little as well. 

After that I lit some incense (I don't want the house to smell like potheads) and went to bed for a while.  I got some sleep - super important when battling a mania.  I got up and got ready to go.  I found one side of the bed the floor is dry so I sat that side when dressing. 

I got Ron up, he gave me his cell phone, and what money we have, and went back to sleep.  Like he said I can handle the plumber. 

When they come. 

I took the soggy towels outside and laid them in the chair to dry.  I just want them dry and then I can wash them later.  I really doubt anyone is going to steal wet, old, dirty, towels out of my chair.  If they will I had better find out now. 

So, master plan:
1.  Plumber
2.  Go to Home Depot and get a shop vac
3.  Use shop vac
4.  Use industrial fan in bedroom. 

Ideally also get a Walmart delivery in there but I will take what I get.  I am "out" of soda but I have some caffeine laden instant drink mix I can use. 

It shouldn't be a bad day.  For now I am going to go put some more things on the list.  The cats were crazy for the salmon cat food this morning so I need to put that on the list.  Every cat food on the list is very popular with the cats, the only problem I have is playing "This is not your food" with Biscuit. 

Biscuit was completely awesome and slept with me every time I was in bed last night.  He is a gold star cat. 


Anonymous said...

So if the pot works on his pain are you going to insist he get off the vodka? Or will tjis be like the pain pills where he takes those and drinks? Now he will be on vodka, opiods, and pot and kratom. I just don't get where you are going with all this. You said he had negative issues when he smoked pot. So why let him start using again?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other comment. Why give him pot to smoke without requiring the abstinence of the vodka? It doesn't make any sense. The kratom works on his pain and so do the magnets there is no reason he needs to drink or take the opioids. It does not make any sense why you keep giving this man drugs to take.

Anonymous said...

No comment on your and rons drug use? Seems like he is bringing you down to his level.

Heather Knits said...

It's not pot, it's hemp engineered to have a low THC content. Totally legal in Texas.

He was fine when he smoked in CA, no problem at all, MUCH better behavior to be honest. I would far rather that if he needs a crutch.

But one is legal and one isn't.

Currently, "Industrial Hemp Blossom" is legal. Ron said it helped with his pain, some, and helped a lot with sleep. So that is a benefit. It didn't get him high, but he said he was a little dizzy.

I tried it and it helped somewhat with the vicious headache I have had all day. Would I try it again? Later today? I don't know.

Heather Knits said...

We had something legal. It did not get us high. It was sold to me by a legitimate business in Houston. We would pass any drug test. I worry more about my NSAID and caffeine use, to be honest.

I don't like "smoking something" because it was - burnt. And I got some fresh material so that wasn't it. See my other post for other answers.

Anonymous said...

Alcohol is legal, just because something is legal doesn’t mean it’s good.

Heather Knits said...

I would see it as a neutral. Not great, not awful. The smoke is pretty harsh to me so I won't be using it much. Ron said the smoke was not as bad as regular weed so that must be rough!

I will try it again for my headache and try to remain calm, I think I could have licked the migraine had I not had my tantrum with the shop vac.

I am embarrassed about that.

Heather Knits said...

I tried some more, the headache is pretty bad. Was pretty bad. Took the pain right quick and I think it will stay gone as long as I keep my blood pressure in a reasonable range.

No buzz at all. Just ick from the smoke and then the pain leaked off. Legal in all 50 states, "Suver Haze" if you are curious. Smoking is pretty awful and I won't be doing this for fun, God awful taste in my mouth. But it took the pain.

I also teamed with some Gold Bali Kratom so hopefully the headache will stay gone for now.

And I need to go to bed.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn’t you speak with your doctor before doing these new drugs, since you take the heavy duty meds for your biopolar. What if they interact? This can’t be good for your lungs either.

Anonymous said...

Joe here, CBd stuff isn’t pot. My best friend works a govt job, gets tested all the time and uses it to sleep and is fine.

Glad Uber is working!

Heather Knits said...

In my case I only plan to have a little for migraines, now and then. Happily not getting them very often (until the leak!).

But I did my research and they don't interact. I can't emphasize this enough: I get no sort of buzz out of it. I just get ick mouth and the headache fades off.

Anonymous said...

I think Ron's response is telling. It helps the pain some, so he will continue to take all the other stuff right along with it. Oh, and it helps with sleep for him, so he has another reason to keep taking it.

Ron will take every chemical he can get his hands on. He is an addict. He won't take his injections for his anemia. Won't eat appropriate amounts of food because food interferes with his drunkenness. Vodka? All day every day if he could. Opioids? He is always able to get to his pain doctor appointment (in visible, terrible pain...poor thing). Kratom? Yes, please. Hemp to smoke? WHEEEEE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Clearly all he needs are B-vitamins