Saturday, December 28, 2019

Saturday morning

I got a lot done today, did my supply run and then took it in, stocked, etc. fixed a vending machine, did it all, came home. 

I called the vet, they said Biscuit cried for 20 minutes after I left.  He had been fine there ever since I dropped him off.  :(  I feel horrible.  I guess I shouldn't visit him until this is over if it upsets him so.  I did ask the vet if I could order some treats from Chewy and have them shipped to the vet for him.  They said yes. 

So I may do that. 

Torbie had the time of her life roaming the house, walking through walls, etc.  She got under the tub (they had to take the drywall on one side) and had fun exploring.  I will definitely have to board her the day they close the walls.  Baby Girl is fine in Ron's room. 

My good litter scoop is gone but I found another that is adequate.  I scooped the box in Ron's room, she has been using it.  BG has plenty of fresh food, treats, water in addition to a huge litter box.  And Ron to dote on her.  She's fine. 

I cleaned out the computer room closet, tossed most of it - they did leave a dumpster in my yard - and will donate some of the rest.  I am keeping about 10%. 

I have to meet the foreman today, and run to Academy and get my cot.  I am going to get the larger sized one because I am larger sized.  I am well under the weight limit on the small cot, but it is only 2 feet wide. 

Ron is good and plotting a liquor delivery.  My allergies are bugging me but otherwise OK. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is possible that you could use a bike lock and chain to lock your cart together in the front end so that it cannot be used by others in the store room. They can get their own and not wear and tear on yours, just a thought.