Saturday, December 21, 2019

What is it with Christmas plumbing disasters?

A couple years ago we had a sink issue cost us $600. 

How much will this cost?  (Not asking for money, just discouraged). 

It also looks like we will have the added bonus of an electrician coming to fix the outlet as well.  Once the water leak is stopped. 


Friend said...

OMG I KNOW it seems whenever there was something to do with the “house” like plumbing or electrical it always happened around Christmas. I am so sorry!
Will your homeowners insurance cover that it looks like something it would... I would call them first for sure.

Anonymous said...

Turn off the power where the laundry room is. Unplug washer. Turn off water from behind the washer. Call plumber. God must love you best because he keeps screwing with you.

Heather Knits said...

Water's coming from dryer side. Pipes are up in attic so something went up there and is trickling down. I did unplug the dryer, though.

I was worried about water damage in the time it took to get the water off (hours) but not bad... just a soggy part of my bedroom carpet and some clean water on the tile floor.

Everyone is Ok, if I had to have an expensive problem I am glad it is not our health, or the cats. Or a vending machine for that matter. Trying to stay positive it really could have been FAR worse.

And praise God not a sewage issue!

Anonymous said...

We just had to snake out a clog in our toilet yesterday. Fun, NOT

Heather Knits said...

I was trying to focus on that - it is CLEAN water in the house, thank God.