Thursday, December 26, 2019

The end of the internet

I have been up since 4.  I have come to the end of the internet. 

I spoke to the insurance company and did a long interview.  Hopefully they will approve the claim. 

The guys have been tearing out bad drywall.  There is a lot, he says it is "pretty bad". 

Plan: when they leave, go to the store, buy my air bed and a few minor things.  Figure out dinner, come home. 

But it has been a very long day already.  Ron will basically be pinned in his room which he says is OK.  The cats are OK, haven't seen Cleo since about 5 AM.  I did set up a shelter for her in the backyard.  I called the vet again and Biscuit is fine. 

I looked in the dryer when they brought it out to me, and found my favorite t-shirt.  That was a nice discovery.  Everything in the drum is dry which gives me hope the actual dryer is OK.  Water ran along the floor almost to the kitchen.  The guys are doing a great job of keeping the place clean but it is pretty big chaos right now.  I will take some photos when they leave. 

Normally I can go all day on one charge with my cell phone but it has been 12 hours and it got a little low, so I have it charging again.  I made sure the movers did not take my phone. 

I also found the cell phone alarm is dramatically better and very easy to use, so no big deal they took my alarm clock.


Anonymous said...

So you don't even know if they will approve the claim. What happens if they don't? Usually they don't start working until they know the claim is approved. Very scary to have to play the waiting game like this.

Heather Knits said...

It is my understanding they will approve, and they know things will get very ugly if they delay the work.

They told Eric (big fish) to go ahead and start... what I am doing now I believe just verifies I have a real claim, I tried to stop the damage.