Saturday, December 21, 2019


I slept in... and woke up to quite a surprise.  Wet floor, water coming out of the wall, not a good party at all. 

I worked for a while trying to "fix" it, as we had to go to work.  I tried to take the cover off the water meter but they had it bolted down.  So I had to leave with all that [waves] still going on... had some bad times wondering what was happening to my house, and cats. 

We went to the warehouse.  I was stingy with supplies because 1.  They are still handing out free food and 2.  We need the money for the plumber. 

Jack offered to go by the house to turn off the water but couldn't get it.  Ron tried to call the water district but just got a recorded message.  After a while, I figured I would try the billing number I had and see if I could get someone that way.  I did. 

A very nice man named Edgar drove out to the house and turned off the water, then told us to call him whenever we were ready to get it back on.  Good, now I only had to worry about what had been done to the house. 

Jack had told us an awful story about his bedroom ceiling falling in, so I had some concern. 

I stocked what I could (not much) and we came home, with trepidation. 

I didn't realize how edgy I was until Ron opened the garage door, I nearly jumped out of my skin.  I went in the house, a couple cats greeted us as usual.  The floor was dry at the front of the house which is interesting as I would see it running "downhill" toward the street. 

Nope.  It all went in my bedroom.  The carpet between the bed and the closet is very soggy, and, I believe, will require some passes with a shop-vac.  I mopped the hall (tile) and picked up all the soggy towels and put them in the tub. 

That's going to be a lot of fun, later, ESPECIALLY as the leak went all around my dryer outlet so I can't use the dryer until I get that checked by an electrician.  I guess I will hang them up? 

It wasn't bad, as I'd call it.  Just very soggy in the bedroom. 

I am ashamed to admit I forgot my Bible when I was evacuating high-value items from my bedroom floor this morning, BUT it was OK.  It is safe now. 

We are just waiting on the plumber.  They said they would give Ron a 10% discount being as he's a senior.  He will also, I will make sure, look pitiful in his wheelchair when the plumber comes. 

Hopefully this can all get fixed tonight and then I can focus on cleanup tomorrow.  I will need to get a shop vac, I think.  The carpet is pretty soggy.  I want to replace it pretty soon anyway so it's not "It has to be perfect" just DRY to walk on.  Ick. 

Not liking that at all.  I will post after the plumber comes by. 


Anonymous said...

That just sucks Heather. I hope the issue is resolved quickly and the damage isn't too extensive. I hope nothing important to you was destroyed.

At least it started while you were home. Imagine if it had happened when you and Ron were at the conference. Yikes.

Heather Knits said...

It doesn't appear I lost anything important, but I won't be able to use the dryer until I get an electrician out, I have about 2 loads of sopping wet towels and clothes, and the bedroom floor is soaked. I have a heavy duty fan in there right now.

Ron is getting impatient for the plumber but sometimes they get backed up - pardon the pun. I didn't take a shower this morning and we had to turn the water off so that's not much fun either, but all in all, like you said, it could have been a lot worse and happened at the conference.