Monday, December 30, 2019

Monday noon

I almost published the one comment, amazing they got so many f bombs in one post. 

The adjuster came early.  Ron was decent but fell out of his wheelchair, and then proceeded to go in the kitchen and get very drunk.  Sigh.  The adjuster seemed like a nice guy and on our side. 

After he left, I ordered some filters... MERV 11, rated for fine dust and mold spores.  That sounded about right.  I just had a very basic el cheapo filter in there now.  I would like a better filter. 

I managed to get Ron into bed.  That took some doing.  He can get on the toilet now. 

About the only notable thing, the adjuster cut a piece of carpet to send to a lab to analyze quality and tell us how much we will get back.  I was teasing him we had a big persian carpet in the bedroom that got destroyed, we had a good laugh.  He was very thorough.

Everyone who comes in is taking a ton of photos and writing up damage diagrams.  My whole "recovery team" (to borrow a work phrase) has been awesome.  The guys from last week said the place is "bone dry" which is great to hear. 

I turned on the heater now that we don't have all the fans, etc. running it is worth our money to run the system and stay warm.  Ron likes it about 80 year round and I am OK with that. 

I am really glad the furnace, not far from the leak, was not damaged. 

Ron and I agree we need to get a better ladder to the attic, most trades guys are not slim and the ladder I think is only rated to 175.  We can get one rated to 375 for $200, I think that would be worth it.  The one we have is rickety and I won't use it because I think it will break. 

I am enjoying my pine tree candle.  I couldn't burn it before due to all the fans, filter, etc.  Baby Girl is thrilled the machines are gone. 

Someone - some thing, ate all the food I put on the porch so I put more out.  I am going through a lot of dry but the movers took my open bag of cat food and left the intact one.  They are both Iams.  It doesn't matter to me but at some point I may very well have two open bags of cat food.  Not a big deal. 

I called the vet and they said he is great, I told them he loves catnip so they may get him stoned.  I also said they can put him on a diet (17 pounds, he is) and they said they already had!  They said the goal is to get him down a pound before I get him back.  They were really amused I had treats shipped to him at their office.  Those should arrive tomorrow. 

My filters arrive tomorrow and then I will install, the cat house another day or two.  It is my hope they will come back now that the house is quiet.  Before it was so loud you could hear the roar off my property entirely.  Now I only hear the heater.  And that just turned off. 

So it will be quiet tonight, that will be great.  I am pretty tired. 

Ron and I also agree we want to get the dryer vent cleaned before the reconnect the hose.  We have never had that done; it is overdue. 

I stayed pretty clean all day but the cleaning and purging is messing up my clothes.  I will have to do a load of laundry when my aunt gets back.  The front room is totally done now. 

I am going to miss that dumpster when they take it.  So easy to discard! 


Anonymous said...

Something to consider before buying a new ladder....We rarely use outside repair services at home, but at work we do, and they seem to always go get their own ladders, despite us having quality ones available. Is it different where you live?

Having said that, yes, I feel every home should have the best quality ladder one can afford. Glad to see you're using this as an opportunity to clear things out a many don't, sigh. And even gladder for you that nothing really important to you got damaged.


Heather Knits said...

For attic access they just use the built-in, even the "meaty" guys which is all of them.

I was glad I finished my purging when I did as the dumpster truck just came and took it away.