Monday, December 2, 2019

Monday night

I paid the water bill and took care of Ron, the cats.  I made the grocery order. 

Ron likes the hard boiled already peeled eggs.  He ate 2 today.  And a breakfast bowl, he loves those things.  They are good so I ordered more.  The bowl has chopped roast potato, scrambled eggs, shredded cheese, bacon crumbles and ground sausage.  They are a good size, enough to fill me up without bloating. 

I got 5 pounds of shredded cheese because I can never have enough.  I am so glad my severe lactose issue went away when doc adjusted my lithium.  That would have been horrible to give up dairy. 

I don't have anything planned for tomorrow except get the delivery and do the litter box of course.  Wednesday I have to get up early and take Baby Girl to the vet for her beauty treatment.  I hope it goes well.  I just want her happy and comfortable.  It can't be easy sleeping with Ron all the time. 

A fresh new cut should make her feel pretty (Baby Girl, not the vet).  I think it will be a lot easier to stay on top of it once she is mostly bald (to put a plain face on it). 

Today I saw tons of Ubers all over the place on the app.  We tried to hail one from work BUT I had to input my credit card, the Google Pay wasn't working.  So I did that tonight. 

I am doing pretty well, surprisingly not tired after a long day, but a nasty headache the last few days.  Ron has been complaining about his back today and is curled up in bed with Baby Girl. 

I do find it a little frustrating, her legal name is Little Girl (last name).  But I call her Baby Girl because it just sounds like child molesters yelling "Little Girl!".  Ron still calls her that.  So whenever I call the vet about her I have to explain it is Little Girl but I keep saying Baby Girl.  But Ron wants that to be her name so it is.  They figure it out but it must be a little annoying for them. 

They just pull up my name on the computer and scroll. 

I have only ever called Torbie that.  Mama Cat sometimes we call her Mommy and I call her Mommy Girl sometimes because I like the way it sounds.  Cleo is just that.  Spot is Spot, Spotty, Spot-man, Spotasaurus, etc.  Biscuit is just that.  It really depends on the cat.  Some incline themselves to nicknames. 

Bubba's original name was Mr Black but I always called him Bubba, Bubby, etc.  Sometimes I would sing, badly, "Frosty the Snowman" to Frosty the cat, he hated that.  But he was good natured. 

I lost Frosty to the same condition Biscuit has... I am very glad I was able to use my Frosty experience to save Biscuit.  Namely, if you EVER have a male cat exhibiting FLUTD symptoms, take him to a vet emergently because it could kill him.  And I was able to save Biscuit. 

I wonder if Frosty would have liked the special food? 

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