About to take a nap but I talked to the vet.
They are happy to do a lion cut on Baby Girl and will knock her out for it. I know they will be careful with her if for no other reason than not wanting to lose our business.
Anyway, that happens Wednesday.
Hope you make ron pay the vet bill for that. Since the selfish piss man can only be bothered to gulp vodka
Ron offered to pay on his own. So he will. She is his cat.
It is my understanding that some short haired cats develop mats as they age. Baby Girl is grooming and socially is fine so it is just an age issue. Vet is not worried.
But the mats don't look comfortable and neither of us want that; Ron was happy to ante up and didn't even ask what I was quoted before essentially handing over his wallet.
Side note, everyone at work thought we said she had GNATS.
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