Sunday, March 1, 2020

A new work policy

I slept OK last night but just tired and a headache this morning.  

I was on my computer and I decided I would run a new policy by Ron.  

A few years ago a woman I have seen around the plant for the last 20 years, one who NEVER BUYS ANYTHING FROM US, was talking to a man while I made change for him.  

She was complaining she was ill and talking about her symptoms, she was clearly flushed, sweating, runny nose, and coughing.  She saw me making change and demanded I make change for her $20, too.  She literally wiped her nose on the back of the hand before extending the money towards me.  

I said "No, I'm sorry, I can't."  

She asked me "Why".  

I said "I think you know why" and I left.  She got upset but I didn't care.  They never stay home when they are sick, at work, and I didn't want to catch it, or worse, pass it to Ron.  

Her "friend" the one she was talking to, gave me one of HIS $20's (he was fine) and I made change for that and she gave him her germ money.  

I was thinking about this.  According to the experts most of the Corona virus cases will be mild, but will hit hard in people like Ron.  I am not going to knowingly expose him to anything like that.  

So I asked, he said it was fine, and I issued a policy on our Facebook (vending business) page, stating I will not make change for you if you are "clearly" ill.  I thanked them for their understanding.  

And I will abide by that.  There is nothing in the contract that says I must make change.  Certainly not for sick people, and if we get in trouble for that (very unlikely) I have advocates who can take it to the limit.  

We have to provide snacks, chocolates, sandwiches, and coffee.  We do all of that.  But I'm not letting some cheap/lazy person who doesn't want to use their sick leave get us sick.  They won't pay our bills.  

I just don't get why they don't use their sick leave.  

A driver, I can understand, they are a contract hire and are literally hired for each route and paid.  They have no employee status, no with-holding, no taxes with-held, no sick leave.  They are paid cash every week for their work and no sick leave at all.  

I can see why they might work sick, even though it puts some of their clients at grave risk.  But someone with a union medical plan and benefits, literally a year of sick leave built up, I don't get it at all.  

So I am going to minimize our exposure.  That is the closest contact I have, when I am making change.  


Anonymous said...

The building people shoult put one of those change machines in. Prob doesn’t help with $20s tho.

Heather Knits said...

That's the thing! We have 2 in our custody (we are just "borrowing" "our" vending machines but we own the inventory). One takes up to a $10, the other takes up to a $20, so there is no reason for a sick person to come up to me. Ron is diligent about keeping it filled.

I will be handling the money wearing gloves, tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Here is a thought ? Shouldn’t the post office have a hand santizer stationed right next to the food vending?

Heather Knits said...

That's a very good idea. We only have one sink for over a thousand people (outside of the bathrooms) so it makes sense. I will mention it to a custodian and let them get credit for it.