Sunday, March 8, 2020

Sunday morning

I woke up with a pretty bad headache today but I still took care of Ron and the cats, got my shower, took my pills.  Ron is having a bad day for pain. 

"Excuse me, Ron?  Could you tone down the screams of pain for a bit?" 

Nope it doesn't work that way.  I gave him some more kratom so hopefully that will help.  Super red has always been good for him if that doesn't work I will try the "bent". 

We must have a cold front coming.  I just checked, we have rain tomorrow.  Sometimes he is badly affected. 

I did some research on my meds + alcohol, not advised so if I have any it will be one sip a day, if that.   Hemp was fine, of course. 

I did find out the Divaloproex and aspirin, of all things, are a bad combination.  So I guess that cuts out the aspirins and headache pills.  I ended up taking Ibuprofen when the headache came back, along with a hemp "menthol".  Between them it isn't bad. 

Good to know that.  Wish I had read that before I bought giant bottles of both headache pills and aspirins. 

The woman at work who thinks she loves cats, by the way, is still talking about them and seems excited that one is pregnant again.  The babies either die off or are killed by her dogs.  I have told her, it has gotten to the point of shouting at her, to call animal control and have them all put down if she won't get them fixed.  She just thought I was a bitch, and figures she is "taking care of them" because she feeds them, right next to her backyard with the two aggressive dogs.  I don't have her address or I would call and have it done myself. 

She actually said it would "hurt" them to get them fixed and I asked if it was better than them dying a slow death of illness or eaten by her dogs.  She stomped off.  The next time she talked to me she said they "weren't really her cats" and belonged to a lady who only spoke Spanish.  Bullshit.  I said get them picked up anyway because THEY ARE SUFFERING.  She stomped off again. 

She wants me to lavish approval on her and equates her dying ferals with my cats, that both animals are "loved" the same and "cared for".  I won't do it.  She is abusing them and if I had her address I would call and have them all picked up.  Better for them to enter a TNR program or be put down (likely as she describes very ill cats). 

Anyway, she was always talking about Ibuprofen which reminded me.  She was one of those women who only wore the "cute" shoes when she was young and her feet are destroyed now, she can hardly walk 10 feet.  She is obese and continues to wear shoes with no support, clothing 3 sizes too small, low cut tops, etc.  Her clothes are so tight she cannot bend over and pick a quarter off the floor. 

I used to like her, until she started talking about the cats. 

So I guess it is Ibuprofen for me now.  I think I read it was pretty effective for headaches if taken with caffeine.  I know Tylenol is moderately bad with lithium.  So is Ibuprofen.  But I need something. 

Aspirin seemed to be "worse" though, from what I gleaned. 

Just now, Ron called for me, then began babbling nonsense about a bag and his bed... I told him I couldn't understand him and he had to "use words" to tell me what he meant, we were both very frustrated and I walked off. 

Times like that I think I will have to place him pretty soon.  As far as I know he wasn't even drinking that much, either.  I can't have him shouting nonsense at me day and night... it's exhausting.  I have enough on my plate.  And he just threw his radio off the bed.  I am not picking it up he will just do it again.  What I will do when I go back is unplug it and leave it on the floor. 

He had been pretty good lately but it's like I have to have a reminder he is not right.


Anonymous said...

You know how upset you are about some lady not getting help for stray cats and letting them suffer?

That's how I feel reading about you not getting help for Ron and letting him suffer.

You are not stable. You are self-medicating with kratom, hemp, caffeine, food, OTC pain relievers, and shopping. You bought serious amounts of alcohol for yourself. You are taking uber a lot. How are you paying for that? Is the account linked to Ron's credit card?

Anonymous said...

I had mentioned that I rub CBD cream on my forehead when I have a bad headache. Works almost immediately, you should give it a try.

Anonymous said...

A sip a day?? Wtf am I reading?

Heather Knits said...

I will see if the head shop has the cream. This headache just doesn't want to die, today.

Let me define Heather sip vs. Ron sip. Ron sip is 4-6 ounces. Heather sip is moisten lips and tongue tip.

IF I do it. I may go after a hemp smoke today instead because: headache.

Heather Knits said...

I will get my lithium level checked next week that will tell the story. If it is low doc can put me back on 4 a day. I am about due for it anyway... but I will have to get paid first.

Heather Knits said...

Uber is linked to my debit card. Very rarely Ron has me switch it to his credit card. I make cash deposits to cover the Ubers. For instance, yesterday I had $45 worth of trips including tips. I deposited $40 and only $5 out of pocket. My pocket.

Ron pays mortgage, gas and cable. I take electric out of our profits then give Ron the rest. Last electric was about $75.

I would not say I am medicating with shopping because 1. Nowhere to put it and 2. I do need some things for the house. It is OK to buy Ron a new blanket because he found the old one too thin, for instance. As long as it is only one blanket.

But, if I called Doc and said you guys had concerns he would send me for a lithium level, and I have already said I will do that.

Anonymous said...

Just a week or do you were complaining that Ron wasn't paying his share of the bills and threatening not to pay the mortgage.

Anonymous said...

When is ron buying the carpet cleaner and vacuum he said he would buy? Let him buy his own blanket.

Anonymous said...

Alcohol will not help your headaches. Only make them worse.

Heather Knits said...

He was lying there shivering, I put the new blanket on him and he mumbled "what's this" and actually went to sleep.

I said he has done financial abuse, which has included threatening not to pay bills. I take the money out for electric and water so I don't have to beg for it, we both win.

Anonymous said...

The point is he makes you beg for it and threatens not to pay the mortgage and insurance.

Heather Knits said...

Yes, which is why I realized the money has always flowed through me before it reaches him... and made adjustments.

Anonymous said...

Ok now you’re making shit up.