Sunday, March 1, 2020

I stole this

Although I still need to get a few things...


Anonymous said...

A few cases of purified water?

Heather Knits said...

Oh, I have some water but not as worried about that. Ron has been wanting to get a gas powered generator, runs off the natural gas line - I might just do that when we can afford it because I would HATE to lose all the food in fridge/freezer.

Anonymous said...

Why waste money on a generator. I could see it killing you both because of carbon monoxide poisoning. It's not like either of you are responsible in your house. You left bottled water and cleaning supplies in your catio since December.

Heather Knits said...

You really have NOTHING better to do?

Anonymous said...

I agree she can't even do basic cleaning. Trusting her to safely operate a generator would be very foolish. People die from incorrectly using them all the time

Heather Knits said...

The generac is exterior and only needs servicing from a tech every year or so. It kicks on automatically when the power goes off. Turns off when the power comes back.

But I will guaranteed have a million neighbors beating down my door if I have it. They are not quiet and they will know I have power.

I allowed the cleaning comment so I could clarify what a generac is and what I would buy. It is nearly impossible to get the old style generators going and keep them filled with gas during an event.

Anonymous said...

How can you afford a general whole house generator on your income?

Heather Knits said...

We don't eat out anymore; short answer. Save up.

A basic model runs $2K and that is likely all we would need as we have 100 amp electrical for the whole house. That includes A/C.

But first we get the roof.

Anonymous said...

When is Ron buying the carpet cleaner and vacuum he said he was buying?