Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Very early Tuesday

I had trouble sleeping last night as I suspected.

I got up at 2.  I wasn't sleeping so why lie there?

I got up and finished most of what I need to do so flooring can get installed.  Ron is almost always up at night so delighted I got up early.

I am finishing the laundry.  I could use toilet paper, more detergent pods, more cat food (I have enough for a while but would like longer).  But nothing urgent I need it right now.

I did buy the reusable pads so I can use them if we go on lockdown for a while.

I did do something really stupid yesterday I will not repeat.  You may know I live in Blue Bell ice cream territory.  They have a "birthday cake" ice cream that is a vanilla with pink frosting ribbons and sprinkles.  I THOUGHT I ordered that.

I received a oreo cookie ice scream with a chocolate ribbon.  It said "birthday cake" like the other but I can't do chocolate!  Ever!  Last time I ate chocolate, a 2 bite brownie, I was sick for a week with a horrific vomiting migraine.

It was a small portion, though, so I thought well I will try it.  STUPID.

I did NOT get a migraine but I will not do that again.  I will have to get rid of it somehow maybe give it to the drivers.  Oh, well, it is a shame as I would have loved to have a little cup of ice cream every day.  I should have gone with plain vanilla.

Today is flooring.  If that is finished today I can call and arrange to get my stuff back.  Do the sort/purge.  Then I am done except for some minor decorating.  Maybe even this week.

Like Jose said, let's wait until it is done before we start talking times.  He is the professional in this and I hope I never have to do this again.  I am glad I have had time to think about how I want things done.

Ron is getting lost in the house without the furniture to guide him so is looking forward to stuff getting returned as well.

I need to figure out what I will do with my shoes.  I had them under the one love seat but Ron, and Cleo, didn't like them like that.  I may get an over door thing and put that on the back of a door.

Edit: I found a hanging shoe organizer that goes in a closet, ideal and $10 so I got that. 

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