Monday, March 30, 2020

Not a bad Monday

Not the best start to my day, woke up around 1 AM with digestive issues, pretty severe, not fun.  I made it and that is all I will say. 

I stayed up for a while because I couldn't go back to sleep, then I fell asleep and slept GREAT right up until the alarm went off.  Poor Torbie I kept hitting the button, she was sleeping with me.  Torbie sleeps with me most nights even when I had the cot. 

So I got up very tired.  Got Ron ready "No that shirt has to be washed" etc.  He can pretty much dress himself but needs me to check it.  I finally broke down and bought him suspenders. 

He has nerve disease and his waist is very sensitive, to the point he wears oversized pants like a home boy and does not keep his belt tight, so his pants are always drooping.  Then he shouts at me to "Pull them up!" as he goes from bed to wheelchair, etc.  It gets VERY old because I cannot hold the wheelchair and his pants at the same time.  That's about the only time I wish I'd had kids. 

So today I had enough and bought him some, with clips.  They arrive Wednesday.  I don't want him showing his ass, and his underwear, and I don't want him in pain from tight clothes either.  This should work and if not they are only $10. 

Our ride came the wheelchair ramp was broken but she got him on board and secured.  We had to drop off another client but we did that and it wasn't too bumpy.  Work was pretty dead and the repair man couldn't fix it. 

We saw the boss but only for a minute. 

After work, we went to the bank.  The vending program does a yearly payout to the vendors, and Ron got his check Saturday.  We put that into savings so now we have a fair amount for minor to moderate disasters.  I am very happy about that and extremely pleased we both immediately went to put it into savings. 

I imagine a lot of people just spend it immediately, when they get a decent sum.  Also the program may be giving us additional stipends but I am not holding my breath.  If they do that we may be able to fix up Ron's room by summer. 

We called Arturo and went though a drive through.  Now, the bank is in a pretty bad neighborhood but I didn't realize it had gotten that bad.  A homeless man was bothering everyone in the drive through and became extremely verbally abusive when we told him "No".  He was clearly some sort of addict and very aggressive. 

It's not often I wish I could bring my stun gun to work but today I did.  I got my food, which was OK, but NOT WORTH IT.  Never going back.  Ever.  There is another McDonald's not far from the house we can go there if I have to get something. 

We came home, I got Ron settled ("Pull up my pants") and I took a nap.  I had a pretty good nap which is good because I did not get enough sleep last night.  Torbie slept with me. 

I watched her clean her wound and it looks good, healing.  No signs of infection.  I was really happy I found out the "other" vet is open, not the hospital, that is $500 to walk in the door, this is just a regular vet not terribly far from the house.  They are open if I need to take her in for antibiotics, but she is doing all her normal activities, sleeping with me, eating treats, moving around OK, getting enough food and water, etc.  I am doing watchful waiting. 

Torbie is absolutely terrible about taking medication so I have to take that into account, but if she needs to go in and get a shot I will do it.  At this point I feel it would be more traumatic than beneficial, and it does seem to be healing nicely. 

I am watching her.  I adore her and will do whatever it takes. 

We have tomorrow off.  Ron asked if I wanted to go anywhere I said no.  There is nothing we really need aside from headphones.  I am getting cat supplies (litter, treats) delivered in about half an hour.  Hopefully I can sleep in tomorrow. 

I plan to have cup of noodles for dinner because I need a lot of salt today.  That is all I will say.  A while back I bought some snacks and I just ate a one ounce bag of pretzels... nice and salty. 

I am at risk of low sodium from my medication so it is actually important for me to get enough. 

I don't want to get my blood test yet so I am going to wait, I also need to see what Doc wants to do regarding my appointment.  They may want to do a phone appointment which is fine as far as I'm concerned.  He is not a young man and probably shouldn't see a lot of patients. 

I am OK for medication now but I plan to ask for 3 month refills.  I don't want to run in to the store every month if I can avoid it, and I am worried about supply chain issues.  I have faith "they" will keep the mental illness meds coming but I would much rather have a big honking bottle in my hand if I can get it. 

Think about it - if I don't get my medication I become completely unraveled in a very short time.  I know that every minute of the day. 

That's a big deal. 


Anonymous said...

Have your pills delivered

Heather Knits said...

I worry about the supply chain. I don't mind going in once in 3 months, I have to go now and then to do my banking and buy things they don't deliver. I just don't want to go every month for pills.

Anonymous said...

What does supply chain have to do with it? Have them delivered and quit wasting money going there and risk infection
This virus is going to have everything locked down for months. You need to keep Ron safe and quit going places when you can help it. Even fast food places deliver now even for free.

Heather Knits said...

I would have to change my pharmacy to get it delivered and not crazy about that. WM has done a good job with my pills the last 15 years and very few problems with supply. If I only get 3 month refills I only need to go in every 3 months for it. WM take my pills seriously, I don't know about another pharmacy.

Anonymous said...

I told you Walmart pharmacy delivers

Heather Knits said...

Oh! I just proved I'm special. I will ask about it. But I am honestly OK going in.

Anonymous said...

You won’t ask about it then

Heather Knits said...

I'll ask.

Anonymous said...

@11:37 why do you keep riding Heather's a$$? Give it a rest already.