Monday, March 23, 2020

Most of Monday

We are getting better rides on paratransit now they've eliminated the adult day care runs.  When a slow person gets into "the system" here they end up in a group home, they live there, are shuttled to "work" (a daycare with maybe a few menial tasks), and then back home every day.  That was apparently a significant part of the service because the drivers are talking about how slow it's been. 

Also, I think, a lot of clients are finding another way around if they even need to go out at all, because they know riding puts them at high risk for catching "it".  So we had a great ride to work. 

We went in, it was exactly the same as always.  The high-maintenance difficult customers got right in my personal space demanding special favors, etc.  One guy took great glee in bothering me while I was helping Ron, to the point I had to tell Ron to wait while I assisted the customer. 

Unfortunately THAT guy has union ties, and has figured out how to file a formal complaint, which we don't want.  So I have to kiss his butt but I don't enjoy it. 

He did NOT understand the concept of distancing, either.  Sometimes I wish I were an ugly woman.  As it is sometimes I wonder if guys like him bother me because I am not bad looking.  Yes, I am overweight but so is every woman in the building.  Frustrating, especially when he saw me helping Ron. 

If I had been sitting down eating a snack I would have understood.  The other guy wasn't much better.  He was bugging me about my weight set and I told him I gave it away, he got really upset, he had seen it when he came over once. 

He had put himself out there as "Mr Handy" that we could hire him to help around the house.  So we had him over (first mistake).  He looked around, said "I can't do this" and went full envy mode on my weight set.  He has been bothering me about it for years, am I using it, pointing me out to other employees "She has a weight set" etc.  I am GLAD this all happened when it did because later I would have had things he'd have loved to gossip about. 

So the guy has no discretion and anything I tell him is all over the plant in 5 minutes, which I have used.  He was really upset I gave the weights away but I told him I had them on Craigslist and I needed the room. 

Then he wanted to know how much they cost I'm like, I bought most of it over time.  "The big parts" I don't know it was a gift from Ron 20 years ago!  Like, NO boundaries with either of these guys. 

The bottled vendor was broken and the repair man couldn't come out today.  We don't have inventory for it anyway.  I had some snack inventory and I put that out. 

I helped Ron first, with canned sodas, we did our inventory and left.  Later, Ron called in the order. 

We can still sell canned sodas for now.  I doubt I am getting a full paycheck next week but hopefully I will get something. 

We came home, I got Ron settled, and took a nap.  I had a good nap but woke up with a headache.  I had a hemp smoke and that helped.  I called my aunt, she is doing well.  I do think she is having grand baby withdrawal. 

I am figuring out a Walmart order.  I think I will be good on most things for a while but I can use some milk. 

The cats are good, Ron's back was bothering him some earlier but the new Kratom helped.  Glad to see that.  It is a lot more affordable and easier to obtain.  The weather is nice and I will check the mail later. 

That's it for now. 

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