Friday, March 27, 2020

I can see why the bank did it that way

Some good news about the other vendor... lately things have been OK they do use my cart but I am overall OK with that.  BUT recently I asked if we could piggyback our order onto theirs. 

The wholesaler they use has a $500, 50 case minimum for an order, we have 34 square feet in the stockroom so there is no way I could do it even if we could afford it.  But they can tag in our things on the order.  If they want. 

And they did, which is good because I imagine Sam's is still insane.  Tough for Jack, he could use that $60, but I really don't want Ron exposed. 

I'll take him to work and the bank because I need him for both, but no more. 

So they said "yes" which meant we had to go in today.  We did.  I stocked, I kept Ron out of the way.  He was in an isolated hallway by himself.  He had a little exposure to the other vendor and one customer but that's it. 

So, I went in and paid them.  Got my inventory and stocked.  Got the money out and counted it. 

We went to the bank.  That was alarming. 

They did not open on time, they have changed their hours.  They had distance markers all over the place which I understood.  They had us all wait in the lobby, we were about #8 in line out of 20.  Then they came and told us never mind, go over there (pointing out a door, down a ramp, across the parking lot, up another ramp), needless so say everyone stampeded for it and Ron almost got trampled.  REALLY badly done.  There was an old man on a walker who almost got knocked down. 

It was crazy... and alarming.  This was only about 20 people.  (One guy, with 3 kids). 

Anyway, we ended up at the end of the line which I found upsetting but I was just glad we didn't get trampled.  They had a gatekeeper who enforced the distancing thing, but they had people enter and exit by the same door so everyone was breathing on us and rubbing against us as they went past on the ramp.  I made a comment about it and they fixed it...but it was clear people weren't thinking on this. 

We finally got in and ran our transaction, paid the credit card bill and I got paid early.  That was nice, not the whole check but enough to keep me happy and buy my pillow covers when I made my deposit. 

We left and hit a drive through, then came home.  I got Ron settled and took a nap, I was pretty worn out after the bank thing. 

Now, I called my bank they are awesome so no hassles with that when I go tomorrow, likely.  I just wasn't up for it, today.  Not to mention I like to baby my feet I was already standing a lot today. 

I will have to do a fair amount of walking tomorrow because I am going to the branch on a bus line.  I don't want to do that after all the "foot time" as Ron called it, today. 

I had a pretty good nap, got up and did some yard work, Ron came out of his room up front and wanted to sit on the couch.  He likes the way I arranged things which is great BUT he is in his underwear so no photo.  He likes the one couch a lot so is on it, having a good time listening to the radio and being a little nearby beast.  He is happy with the couch, the pillow, etc. so I'm good.  I am glad he is enjoying the whole house, his room must feel like a cell sometimes. 

He was a little taken aback when I flipped his mattress, but really likes it now.  Same with the couch, it is his house too so I want him comfortable in it.  His parents had a small living room maybe 100 square feet, with some furniture and a coffee table, he was never allowed in there, that is where they met guests.  But people - family - didn't actually live there.  She (his mother) had a back room with a lot of glass knicknacks on a half wall, really stupid with a blind child, he broke one once when he visited about 20 years ago and she got really mad at him.  But he's blind, she raised him, what did she expect?  That arrangement is fine when you have sighted kids but not a blind one. 

So Ron didn't grow up in a very blind friendly household I have tried to make this house pretty friendly to him, I will have to ask when he wakes up.  He really likes that couch because it feels good for his back. 

And Biscuit is visiting with us both..very cute.  Ron is up for now and says the house is "blind friendly". 


Anonymous said...

At what point during your unnecessary dragging around of Ron did Ron wash his hands today? Or you? Probably never.

Heather Knits said...

He sat in his wheelchair, didn't touch anything aside from wheelchair brakes and cell phone. He didn't stock, I did, and I washed my hands as much as possible, used sanitizer, and a disinfecting wipe.

I'm the one touched everything, including the money which I have to count by hand.

We could have better hand washing at work. They have a very low flow faucet, one of them, in the cafeteria seating area, IMO totally inadequate for any sort of infection control.

Personally I don't think I'm going to get the virus from my hands, more likely someone is going to breathe on me.

Anonymous said...

Are you going to your bank to deposit your pay?

Why don't you just electronically transfer your pay from Ron's account at his bank to your account at your bank? Since you have to physically go to his bank to deposit the business money, you could get cash from your pay then and electronically transfer the remainder to your bank account.

My husband has an account at a major bank and I have a tiny credit union. We have transferred funds electronically for free in both directions.

Heather Knits said...

Our accounts are at separate banks, so, take $1's (mostly) out of machines, go to his bank, if there's any for him deposit that and then turn mine into $20's and give to me. Then, later, I go to my bank and deposit $20's. My bank is terrible at handling the $1's transaction, I love them but they are just not equipped. That is not a deal breaker for me.

I am only doing this 2 x a month so I think I will be OK for now. I will ask, though. I know the bank has an app.