Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Well, that was unpleasant

I got snacks while I am at the house for both of us.  We like snacks.  I got some "new" snacks which I think was a mistake. 

Case in point, a small serving sized pouch of cheese on cracker combos.  They were pretty good being eaten. 

I had a pretty normal day, woke up, fed Ron a corn dog and he asked for a breakfast bowl, too, so he got both.  He will probably be good for the day.  I took a shower, spent some time on the computer, watched TV, ate the combos. 

I took a nap around 12 because my medication tires me out and a nap is good for the immune system anyway.  I woke up in the midst of a nasty migraine. 

For me the migraines tend to be gradual onset.  I know a sudden severe headache can be a sign of a stroke so I would seek medical help if that happened.  But this was a garden variety 'You ate the wrong thing" headache. 

Nasty tight and painful.  I had a hemp smoke which helped some but not 100%.  I will try the hemp buds next. 

So I learned my lesson on the combos.  I have things I can eat that are OK headache wise but I am going to have to be careful with the new stuff. 

My posters came but I don't feel well enough to put them up.  Maybe tomorrow. 


Heather Knits said...

I have zero tolerance for the usual BS today.

Anonymous said...

Waste more money on hemp and you will feel even better

Heather Knits said...

It worked, I am cooking and organizing. That's a lot better than I was at 3. Nasty, funky, taste in my mouth but otherwise OK.

As to the comment about me bending over [rolleyes].

Anonymous said...

I mean if you’re going to respond and allude to these comments why not just post them.

Heather Knits said...

Well, there was the comment about Ron's butt crack, and the one about his manhood. I am pretty sure I would get in trouble with Blogger for posting even if I wanted to post.

Some of it just rude and very abusive. I am not going to give them a voice. They post anonymously, if they had to post with their photo and full name (as I do) then they would be changing their tune.

I get enough of that already why would I roll in it?

Anonymous said...

But you give them a voice by responding at all. Ignore it completely.

Friend said...

I agree with Anonymous ....these are sad people who spend their time picking you to bits ..waiting for you to be “human” and then degrade you for it. Try to ignore you have enough crap in your life with giving them a chance to be heard. how sad an awful their lives must be especially your curmudgeonly ones