Saturday, March 21, 2020

My shopping trip yesterday

I had a pretty standard Uber ride to the store, went in, there were about 10 carts and a guy just bringing them in.  I thanked him for working so hard and he said I had no idea. 

Many areas of the store were wiped out, fresh meat, bread, rice, beans, cup noodles, canned soup, tampons even.  I did find generic brand pads in my size so worst case (I already had some tampons) I can use those. 

They did have quite an array of fresh fruits and vegetables and many carts had them.  They had some water and TP which went quickly. 

I got my prescriptions.  I said it was funny the computer was giving them a hard time because of what I take and the condition, I really need to take my pills.  The tech looked at the names and said "Yes you do!"  we had a good laugh (even the pharmacist). 

I got some soda but most of the name brands were sold out.  A lady was grimacing on the meat/chili aisle because the "good" chili was sold out and she had to get the Wolf, which, as Ron said, "Is very greasy".  But grease = calories and I guess that makes it "keto".  LOL 

I got pretty much everything I came for.  I couldn't find good under bed storage boxes and that was frustrating.  I want something plastic as that saved all my underbed stuff in the great flood of '19. 

I had to double back after checking my list because I forgot the ham broth powder, find it in the Mexican section, it has a pig on it, you put it in beans for flavor.  It is really good and Ron loves it with split peas and some ham.  I figured better to have more as I have some dried beans at home. 

A pretty long wait to check out but they had cold soda in the display case so I had something to drink after checkout. 

I only had one problem, I apparently left $5 worth of merchandise on the whirly thing and walked out without it.  Unfortunately for me that had Cleo's treats in it. 

A guy was waiting outside looking at his phone and a Uber pulled up, he left.  A red car was assigned my trip but then cancelled, but I later saw the red car pull up and apparently see it was me.  That was a little odd. 

A nice older man got me, helped me with the groceries, and was very nice, got a good tip.  I had a good ride home, got everything in the house and put it up. 

I took off my mask, I found some pleated masks in my pantry when I was evaluating the contents.  They will be great for trips to the store.  I would love it if I could get Ron to wear one to work but we will see. 

Etsy, by the way, has a fair selection of fabric masks.  Many of them are sold out but you can get something. 

I tore the house up for an hour trying to find the $5 worth of stuff, told Ron it was not worth a $30 round trip to get, and gave up on it.  I did NOT lose the medication so I counted that a plus.  But still frustrating. 

They let me buy more than one, of some things, like the generic brand mac and cheese with bacon.  Generic brand 2 liter diet soda, that was about it. 

So not a bad trip. 

Today I took a nap after about 1 and slept a couple hours.  I had a Sq'uirm (Biscuit) in my bed, he was very wiggly laying on top of me but very happy to curl up.  I am normally a side sleeper so the cot was horrible for that, but the bed...ah.  Much better.  I slept pretty well but woke up with a nasty headache. 

I had a hemp smoke which killed it and am debating eating before I talk to my parents.  I was happy they put up a photo of their living room. 

My parents bought an "oriental" rug before I was even born and I had many happy childhood memories of the rug.  They were always very careful letting me on it, but it was a fixture.  When they moved to CA they took it with them. 

I was under the impression they had gotten rid of it when they moved, but I saw it in the photo, and that made me happy.  It is a nice rug but a little odd in that it is mint green.  I am not crazy about mint green, if my house is any indicator I am more an orange and purple girl.  :) 

But I am happy for the rug, that it still has a home with my Dad. 


Anonymous said...

How many throw pillows do you need? You have 7 on your wish list right now. If this isn't crazy I don't know what is.

Heather Knits said...

They would all work.

I plan to use 2 pair and leave it at that. Which 2 is up for debate. I am thinking no on the furry one as it apparently sheds and would be hot in the summer.

Anonymous said...

The world is collapsing. Forget about decorating.

Anonymous said...

To those who keep harping on the wish list....lots of us use it as a place to hold ideas. Lots of stuff gets put on my wish list, I only ever buy a fraction of them. It's a lot easier for me than trying to find an item, 2 months down the road. Ya know, it's a wish list not a shopping list.

Heather Knits said...

Death is just the start of your journey. :)

Agree, easier to go to list than try to hunt it down again.