Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sunday afternoon

I woke up at 3, went back to bed at 9, got up around 12, took a shower, finished the laundry, etc. 

Ron was having a bad day for pain, it was radiating to his leg.  When you have lumbar pain it will do that, radiate to different parts of the legs.  For him it was the right ankle area.  I spread a blanket over him and he screamed.  But he wasn't ugly and didn't whine.  He is pretty stoic most days. 

He took a lot of Kratom, though.  It got me thinking I don't have enough (kratom) to do this every day.  I called the store, he said they had everything in stock. 

I selected a likely pair of sneakers which proved to be a good call.  I told Ron I was leaving and left the house, with my stun gun in my pocket.  When the bad dog began making aggressive moves I took it out, keyed it to "ready" and said 'TRY IT".  He backed off. 

I ran into a neighbor, he drives a beer truck.  We are not far from the distribution center for a major name, I forget which.  I asked if business was up or down, and he said way up.  We chatted a little and I headed off down the street. 

I had a little bit of a wait and sadly contemplated the vacant lot for sale, it will be paved over and turned into some retail I am sure. 

The bus came.  Now I had read the service update so I understood I had to go in the back door.  That worked fine until I got to my stop when he wouldn't open the back door for me, to get off.  I had to ask. 

I got a snack and went to the store.  They have very reasonable prices on kratom and I was happy to see a full selection.  They had red bali in addition to the red maeng da.  I was very happy, both work very well for him.  I got what I came for and had just enough left for a packet of hemp smokes, and a little incense. 

I had planned to take the bus home but it started pouring.  I ended up calling a Uber, I could afford it but I am in super cheap mode. 

What I got Ron today should last him a couple of months.  I don't know when I'll be back so this is great. 

There were many cars on the road, as well.  I had to get the Kratom for Ron, no choice, but I was sure a lot of the other cars were doing optional trips.  We got home pretty quick and I put my stuff away, washed my hands, disinfected the door handle.  I had to do something icky as well and washed my hands again after that. 

I fired up some incense because the house smelled like burnt hemp - not pot, but burnt leaf.  It was not a good aroma. 

I have a candle going and the incense.  I like honeysuckle and so far Ron hasn't complained about any of the incense. 

I also remembered to download a smooth jazz playlist for him so we have something to listen to when waiting on a ride.  He was really impressed I could do that (Youtube music).  So that is downloading now. 

I already took a shower so I don't have to worry about that tomorrow morning, did ALL the laundry (even my orange chair cover).  The cats are happy Biscuit is next to me on the couch, along with Baby Girl, and Torbie is on the other couch behind me.  Ron is asleep in the back room. 

I washed all my blankets so I can dog-pile them in the bed (I wasn't kidding about doing that), I have a sheet, a quilt, wool blanket, acrylic blanket right now.  Very cozy.  I need to get a couple more bed pillows and pillow cases, though, but that can wait until things are settled.  I am happy enough for now and sleeping pretty well every time I lay down.  I didn't have my bed for 3 months and boy I missed it.  The house will be even better when I'm done but for now it is a good 90%.  I still have some organizing to do but that is a good enough thing to do when stuck at home.  As far as I know we are still getting trash pickup. 

That's it for now.  Have a good one. 

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