Sunday, March 8, 2020

Sunday evening

I am going to call about the dumpster tomorrow because I forgot they have to take half the carpet in the computer room.  Plus boxes and leftovers from the flooring... but I will also need to talk to the restoration people about how quick can I get my stuff once I pull the trigger. 

I don't want to find out it is a 3 week wait with the dumpster sitting in my yard and #6 tempted to fill it with his crap.  Although they came out and cleared the house about 24 hours after the call, so hopefully it will come back that quick? 

I REALLY hope. 

But I will call. 

As I said in a comment, I had a very small sample of the spiced cherry rum.  I bought an assortment of 50 ml (one shot) bottles and that was one I had wanted to try.  I did, it was good, it would go very well in a Diet Dr Pepper... but I just tasted it (about 5 ml) and closed it up again.  I was curious and had the answer, it wasn't bad.  I put it in the Ron bag. 

I am feeling well enough to burn incense.  It really helped smoking the pipe but I need some screens.  I inhaled some burning plant matter and it was not pleasant.  I will deal with that after I get paid.  I don't do the pipe very often only with a headache. 

I also cleared out the computer room, pretty much (some trash needs to go tomorrow).  That's when I saw the carpet and remembered so I will make the call tomorrow.  I am going to go put the number in my cell phone. 

Ron woke up and I went back, he was under the blanket (he had taken it off and then put it back on) so clearly a hit there.  He was annoyed I had made a little noise but I get cranky when I am hurting, too. 

At least he isn't cold. 

I wonder if he will let me have the blanket to wash it, I gave it to him just to get acquainted.  I also want to try sleeping under it before I buy myself a queen. 

I am debating, though.  I didn't get much footage on Facebook but the walls are cream, the floor is a dark wood plank.  Curtains all around the bed, on the closet, 10 feet of curtains.  6 feet of curtains on the other side for the sliding door, then a small window has another 3 feet of curtains.  All in a medium to dark purple.  Green forest nature print on the wall above the bed. 

I can't decided a purple or orange fleece blanket.  One thing I can count on with you guys you always have an opinion.  I am just worried if I do purple it will be "too much purple" if there is such a thing?  I love orange too I have it scattered all over the house when I'm done (I just found a nice orange tablecloth for my dining room table, to go under my fall trees nature print).  Orange accent pillows and slipcover in the front room.  A whole adjacent room painted orange... so maybe orange in the bedroom? 

I had, up to the point of finding the orange fleece blanket, considered putting an orange shag runner on the floor.  But I am debating. 

So give me some opinions on that. 

We work tomorrow but not long and we don't have to go to the bank after.  It's a short day so I can come home and make my phone calls. 

Then, at the end of this, I get my bed back, get some sleep every night and get back to normal.  I am not 100%, I know that, but this can't be fixed with a pill. 

And, as I said, I will get my lithium level tested not this week.  But I really think the cure is going to be getting some sleep in my bed. 

If you ever have major home repairs and they take your furniture, rent a bed, at least a twin, especially if you are bipolar, so you can get some sleep.  It is really important. 


Anonymous said...

I think a soft gray would go nicely with all the purple. Or if you want to keep it bright a shade of yellow even a light yellow or cobalt blue or even a pale blue. Even white is a nice contrast to all the purpose.

Heather Knits said...

They have gray, black, and white... all look good but leaning towards the black.

Anonymous said...

You could have had your bed back anytime after the house was dried out. I don't understand the drama you've created about this. You've wasted money buying two cots and continued to whine about not sleeping well. Now, you're suggesting if this happened to someone else they should at least buy a twin bed. Why when there is a bed in storage? This just seems so simple to me, when work is being done in the room you move the bed to the side of the room not being worked on, all you have to do is push. This is not some big complicated issue, it's just common sense.

Anonymous said...

I think the issue was she has like 200 boxes so nowhere to put all that stuff. Though the living room would have worked and she could have been purging clutter for the past few months

Anonymous said...

Yeah, done with your blog. I don't know if you are posting the alcohol stuff to get people going or if you really are buying it for him and even if it is only for you, you have an ALCOHOLIC in the home. Either way, you justify every thing you do and get snarky and defensive when someone dares counter your opinion (not including the cruel posts) but you have other people posting out of concern and you are flaunting your choices. Your life, your choices. You have to live with them. God bless you and your kitties.

Heather Knits said...

Don't let the door hit you and all that..

Heather Knits said...

I have about 20 boxes for the closet, 20 more of Bibles for garage, 20 I need to sort and purge when my stuff comes back.

I actually don't have much outside of cat supplies and some minimal clothes, toiletries, medication. I was lucky to grab my pillows on the way out.

Anonymous said...

Why are you hoarding those boxes of Bibles? I suggested donating to rehabs and other places that would be happy to have them. They're not helping anyone sitting in your garage. They can also mildew or warp and get ruined just sitting around. You're not doing your duty with them.

Heather Knits said...

I actually plan to do some handouts with current events being what they are.

Anonymous said...

Yeah good idea to go interact with the public and handout your moldy bibles

Anonymous said...

you certainly aren't going to hand out 20 boxes worth

Anonymous said...

Bull crap. You won’t go out during this outbreak, you are too paranoid. Be honest. Those bibles will mold and never go to anyone. Feel bad for the donators.

Heather Knits said...

Actually I am not worried about catching it since last week with the two very ill drivers. I figure we were probably already exposed right there.

Will I hand out 20 cases? Unlikely. But I will hand out some.

They should be in great condition.

Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud

Anonymous said...

That is very. Very ignorant of you. You do know it can take up to 14 days to show up ? Also not all people who are sick right now have coronavirus. Please seek help.

Heather Knits said...

It can take up to a month to show up.

I ride public transit in close quarters with sick/elderly. If I haven't been exposed yet I will be. I just need to work on boosting my immune system.

Anonymous said...

So, therefore you can conclude that handing out bibles at this time is not a good idea. You haven’t handed any out in probably a year. You can wait until the apocalypse is over.

Heather Knits said...

I think people are more inclined to look for God in hard times.

I am not worried about additional exposure through a handout. The only thing I'd see is if I had an exposure already and had to self quarantine.

Anonymous said...

Hello? Do you not care about transmitting things to *other people*

Heather Knits said...

I'm not sick, not even allergies. A lot of headaches lately but that is about par for this point in my cycle.

Anonymous said...

Not right now. You could pick it up today, tomorrow or the next, and it’s possible to pass it to others before you begin showing symptoms. But you could have it right now and not know it. But you don’t care about other people, just Heather and Ron, y’all are the only people who matter in your little world.

You’re probably in your god room praying for your neighbor to get it so he doesn’t put trash in your little dumpster.

Anonymous said...

Your time would be better spent cleaning up your house, calling your Psychiatrist, and asking your Aunt to read the last two weeks of your blog.

Heather Knits said...

I actually am organizing the front room while the guys work.

My aunt is busy putting out her own fires. Don't forget her husband bought Ron bottles of wine so doubtful she would be worried about alcohol.

My doctor, as a rule, has not been concerned with anything as long as I can do my activities of daily living, work, and take care of Ron and the cats. He deals with hard cases. I am not.

Now, if I continued sleep deprived and began drinking heavily I would probably spiral, then he would have to hospitalize me. But a mental hospital was $1000 a month back when I was 13. About 20K now for a month.

So he thinks about it.

Anonymous said...

You need a better doctor then.

Anonymous said...

If your Aunt is too busy to read two weeks worth of your blog, she shouldn't be discussing your stability at your Psychiatrist appointments.

You can't complete your activities of daily living without self medicating with hemp, OTC meds, caffeine, food, impulsive trips and purchases, and possibly a small stockpile of alcohol that you bought for yourself.

You aren't caring for Ron adequately.

You are argumentative with customers at work. You struggle to work two short shifts a week.

Your Psychiatrist should know this. If you are honest with him, he can help you before it reaches the level of hospitalization.

Heather Knits said...

When did I argue with a customer? Ron and I had them cracking up yesterday as we paid refunds. [scratching head]

Ron is fine eating better and actually getting proper nutrition thanks to his shakes.

If you have ever dealt with chronic migraines you would understand a sufferer will do whatever it takes to end it. If that means hemp and caffeine I am doing it. I make no apologies for that!

I have not had any alcohol aside from the very small sample of the spiced rum.

Anonymous said...

The lady who talked to you about stray cats. You don't agree with her, and your said "it has gotten to the point of shouting at her" about the cats. Why would you ever shout at anyone at work? I think she is wrong, but I wouldn't shout at her.

I'm not trying to nitpick here. I really don't think anyone in your family is helping you look objectively at what is going on and how you are responding. I suspect they all want to keep it at arms length and pretend everything is fine.

Heather Knits said...

1. I raised my voice at her weeks ago, she kept persisting the cats were "fine" "even though the kittens have gotten real skinny and stopped growing, and I haven't seen the black one in a while". I told her it was time to take them to a vet. 'I can't afford it" (she and her husband make at least $100K a year). I told her people would be willing to help her "I don't want anyone getting involved". That is when I told her, a little louder than average, it would be better for her to call Animal Control and have them all picked up if she wouldn't vet them. Better that than dying a slow lingering death or a quick and brutal one. That's when she said they weren't hers, "I just feed them". I told her STILL better.

I stand by that. I have gotten frustrated in the past and expressed that in a louder than average voice before...this has been going on for years.

She is a victim.
She is doing a great job with the cats.
It is terrible when something happens to the cats, and she is a victim when it does.

That is what she wants to hear. She doesn't want to hear a loving person vets the animal or at the VERY least "desexes" it. She wants them to breed, die of illness, be mauled by her dogs, run over, killed by other animals, etc. It took me a while to realize it. And always and everything she is a victim.

She wants to hear "You buy a 20 pound bag of the feral special and dole it out, doing nothing else... leaving them to die horrible deaths, you are a wonderful person and I am proud to know you".

AGH super frustrating. I have even told her don't talk to me about it, she listens for a while and then does it again.

So yes, on occasion I will raise my voice. You should hear what the customers do to use... saturate dollar bills in bacon grease and put them in the machines, demand phony refunds, etc. And they shout at us plenty.