Sunday, March 1, 2020

I don't think I'll ever regret this

I got to thinking... I could be stuck at home for a while, what do I need? 

I have food and a decent amount of soda, cat food, cat treats, things Ron likes (peanut butter on cheese crackers, lately), etc. 

And I have three weeks of medication.  That just didn't seem right... I thought about it for a while.  Doc has me on one-months now for some reason, it is cheaper but... hm. 

Three weeks until I go buggo just didn't seem right.  And I unravel pretty quick if you were reading last October.  I couldn't take my meds due to a vomiting migraine and within 5 days I could feel my mind unraveling like a hemline. 

I really don't want to endure that, again. 

So I got Ron's opinion and he said get a refill.  I called and they were happy to put it in.  I don't take anything controlled so they will give it to me whenever I want, as long as I have a refill. 

I pick it up tomorrow, I will be in the area anyway for something else. 

I just couldn't come up with a reason to delay. 


Anonymous said...

ALL medications come from China now so if that supply chain is disrupted in anyway you and others who require medications to stay baseline sane will be in very big trouble. Not even god will be able to help you if you are off your meds. Quite scary to think we rely so much on China for the health and well being of our citizens and they could shut that spigot off and screw us very easily.

Heather Knits said...

That's why I'm getting it now... worst case I can reduce my dosage for a while and stretch it. For instance, I take 2 antidepressant tablets every day, and three lithium capsules. That can be adjusted worst case.

Anonymous said...

Try not to freak out too much over this for now. Yes, be prepared and it was smart to refill your meds. But don’t let it get you worked up. The media is trying to scare everyone during an election year too. Remember God is in control.