Monday, March 2, 2020

When the virus hits Houston

It is going to be very bad when it hits Paratransit.  Both drivers today, working sick in a confined space, coughing all over hands, rubbing runny nose with hands, disgusting, putting hands on the wheelchair.  Most clients have zero immunity.  All the clients will get sick and many die.

But the drivers got their money so what do they care?

Came home, power outage.  Medication not ready yet.  I want to get this trip over with.


Anonymous said...

I think you mean “if”

Anonymous said...

Every day people get sick and die please dont let this stress you out .
You are good about germ prevention just keep your hands away from your faces and wearing a mask for me is just to keep others from coming close . I do not care if they work they do keep people away from you they think you are sick!

Anonymous said...

I came across an article that China is disinfecting the currency and coincidentally children are not getting sick. Could the reason for that be that kids rarely handle cash?

Anonymous said...

Get over it. People have to work so they can pay their bills. They aren't able to work 2 days a week like you and have all this extra money to waste on home decor and vodka.

Heather Knits said...

When you are caring for the frail and elderly you have a responsibility to stay home when you're contagious. You could very well put someone in he hospital, disable them further, or kill them.

You think that is OK?

What if they were caring for premature infants?

Anonymous said...

If God wants premier to die then that is on him. We are all walking the line between life and death the moment we are born. There is no guarantee of a long life for anyone. Though I do find it ironic when child abusers and alcoholics and drug addicts live long lives. Like Ron who is in excruciating pain daily and his body just keeps on going. Where is the lesson or point in this?

Anonymous said...

the lesson is, God is very patient and doesn't want anyone to perish.