Monday, March 16, 2020

He was sleeping for a while

I heard a ruckus and went back to find him vomiting into a trash can.  He has food poisoning.  It must have been the sandwich, we just had them delivered. 


I got him to the bathroom for the other end business and he is back in bed now.  Well, he won't be drinking tonight. 

When he feels up to it I have Gatorade and crackers. 


I still need to call and find out about getting my stuff back. 

About the pills he asked to keep them because I was forgetting them. 


Anonymous said...

It could be COVID as nausea and vomiting can be a symptom.

Heather Knits said...

He doesn't have a fever, which he WOULD have with COVID. The last thing I'm going to do is take him a place where he will get it. It was also pointed out by my aunt it could just be an irritated stomach from alcohol.

Anonymous said...

He has trouble urinating and asked to see a doctor weeks ago. You have not taken him. He is now having hallucinations and acting more incoherent and is now vomiting. Call his doctor and tell him what is going on. They will make the call whether he should come in or not.

Heather Knits said...

He mentioned, weeks ago, he might want to see a doctor. I asked him when and he said never mind. I asked him about it repeatedly and he kept saying no to the doctor.

He does not have a fever, is rational, drank some gatorade, and was resting comfortably.

Anonymous said...

Uber Joe here... Heather, just get an Uber to a doctor, tell him it’s to work, take him in and tell them everything that’s going on.

He says he doesn’t want it but he’s been bad lately. It is critical.

You probably want to wait due to Covid but that would work.

Sorry things are hard. Praying for you.