Tuesday, March 10, 2020


I was going to get the Warhol green cat print for above my computer...

But I might get this one: 

We'll see, I won't be getting it for a bit at any rate, I have to do slipcovers and bedding first, figure out what bedding I HAVE it was all taken away...

The guys took a minute to get started but are tearing through it now, it looks really good.  I am trying not to bother them. 

I always hate it when I am working on a machine and someone's breathing down my neck or Ron is rushing me. 

So things are progressing, looks to be done today.  Then I can arrange to get my stuff back.  The floor looks great so I am glad I picked what I did. 

I had worried I would hate it, once it was in.  Similar to when they started rolling that orange paint.  But I am sure I'll love it, too.

They are making really good progress (to repeat myself). 

Anyway, check out the print, it is cute and I think some of you cat lovers may want it.  I believe in supporting small business/independent artists so I will put up a plug. 

I won't do ads but I will share on occasion. 


Anonymous said...

“I’m not spendy”

Can you go a day without buying something or thinking/planning about buying something?

Anonymous said...

Did they ever fix the paint in your bedroom?

Heather Knits said...

I told him about it and he said OK (he will fix it).

Looking and picking out something to put on Ron's wall? When manic, we do get spendy. I am somewhat manic... but not spending, just looking and I did a bookmark.

Anonymous said...

Ron doesn't need anything on his walls he is freaking blind so who cares. Just more wasting if money.

Heather Knits said...

I have to look at he wall.

Anonymous said...

Since the smell of urine in his room doesn't bother you who cares about the damn wall. You are not in his room that much

Heather Knits said...

Now that's the best joke I've heard all day. I am constantly in there tending to his needs. It is 1 PM he has called me back at least 10 times since 8.

Anonymous said...

What the hell could he possibly need that you would have to go back to his room 10 times in such a short period of time? Perhaps you are doing to much for him and he needs to start doing things for himself? It is called having boundaries. If he is capable of doing something he needs to do it instead of laying in bed all day drinking.

Heather Knits said...

Bathroom, drinks, snacks, he had questions about the work... He only had a little very early this morning as far as I know.

Anonymous said...


Heather Knits said...

I should stick him in a home? He is happy here and has his cat, his cat has him. If NOTHING less. She loves him so hard it is adorable to watch.

I do have boundaries and will let him know when I can't help.

Anonymous said...

Well it is all about ron and what makes him happy.

Anonymous said...

You were just saying a day ago that he may need to go in a home soon #flipflop

Heather Knits said...

Some days are better than others. My aunt and I were talking today (she thinks I am doing very well) about group homes and placements for the elderly and agreed I am going to try to keep Ron for as long as I can.

Anonymous said...

Yeah cause your aunt is the one trying to get him to the bathroom in time and yelling, "Don't shit on me."

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but you made me laugh when you said you're going to "keep Ron", instead of, keep Ron at home. Like he's one of the cat's. LOL

I think your aunt is worried if you didn't have Ron to take up your time, you'd get in trouble dating or something else. And, I believe you're afraid to be alone. If you did start dating you would find someone just as bad as Ron or worse. We all tend to be attracted to certain personality types.

Anonymous said...

Did you tell your Aunt that you bought a bunch of alcohol for yourself?

Did you tell her that Ron has yet another burn on his leg from a tv dinner?

Did you ask her to read your blog and give you feedback?

Did the two of you discuss why you are refusing to get Ron help of any kind including in home care so he can bathe properly?

Probably not. So she thinks you are doing very well.

Heather Knits said...

That is my big fear, who moves in when Ron is out of the picture. Metaphorically speaking. After a couple of years I might meet someone in cat rescue.

We have a famous gardener in Houston who started Urban Harvest, a non profit gardening group and series of community gardens. His name is Bob Randall. Anyway many years ago when Ron and I were on the outs I called and he picked up, I said I was looking for a community garden nearby. He asked why. I said I wanted to grow my own food and meet some people. He very angrily told me they were not a dating service and they didn't have a garden in my area anyway.

But something like that, God, cat, or garden related would probably be a better guy. One thing I have learned I would have no problem dating a guy in the trades.

Anonymous said...

“When Ron is out of the picture”. Lmao

Anonymous said...

Just go to the bar, you will find a perfect match there.

Heather Knits said...

He's old, sick, doesn't take care of himself... odds are he will go first.

No thanks on the bar, the only ones around here are Spanish anyway.

Anonymous said...

Oh right, you don’t like Hispanics.

Anonymous said...

Also not true and you know it

Heather Knits said...

That is why I have 2 working in my house paying them thousands of dollars? Most of my workers have been latino and have been wonderful.

I have an issue with drunken, late night, all night parties. I have an issue with brats torturing my cats. That is irrespective of race.

I meant, by my comment they are spanish speaking bars. While I can order takeout, explain Ron is blind and has a head injury, understand numbers and profanity I don't think that is enough to make a love connection IF I wanted to meet a man at a bar, which I don't.

If Ron goes first I plan to have a dry spell for a bit to get my head together.

Anonymous said...

Yeah by dry spell you mean 48 hours, right? LOL. The fact that you are even thinking about this shows that you are still mentally unstable. Get your head right or you will meet another man just like ron (addicted and abusive). It is not a prediction it is the truth. It is the same reason abused women when they leave the abusive person and get involved in another reationship pick the same type of man (unless they actually work on themselves, which you won't).

Anonymous said...

Why don't you get Ron a bed food tray so he won't burn his leg? There are so many different styles and different materials. I'm sure you could find one that would work for him. I would suggest one with higher sides so food just won't roll off.

Anonymous said...

She won’t do anything to prevent these things. Loves the drama.

Heather Knits said...

No, I don't. A couple of things at play:
1. I think Ron has normal sensation in his legs. He does not feel pain normally.
2. I think he will know not to put the scalding hot TV dinner on himself. He does not.

Anonymous said...

You need to take the microwaved dinner out of the container used in the microwave, and put it in a separate bowl or bowls. Stir the food well to avoid hot spots. Wait. Stir. Wait. Stir. You have to cut up larger items to make sure they are cool enough.

Then put the food into whatever he is eating from.

He should never be given a scalding hot tv dinner, or any very hot food. You know he can't feel that he is being burned.

Heather Knits said...

I know that now...

Anonymous said...

Supposedly you knew that from the last time he got burned. He shouldn't be eating in bed anyway.