Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Remember the possum?

I saw him again. 

Back history: a few years ago I found a possum in the front room.  I could not trap it and it was months of drama until my internet buddy 'Swamp Papa" sent me a video.  I got him (the possum) and put him out. 

Last year I put out a trap to try to catch Mama Cat.  I could not get her but I did catch the possum again.  I let it out of course.  It is very mellow even when I trap it. 

This morning I saw him ambling around in the yard, very fat and happy.  He looks good and I am happy for him.  I am really happy he is in my yard because they eat:

I would much rather deal with a possum even though they have TERRIBLE toilet manners. 


Heather Knits said...

To address the polite part of the comment, yes I know it may be different, hey only live about a year. It is gentle and easygoing, gets along with the cats, that is all I care about.

The new floors are easily cleaned which was the whole point in selecting them.

Heather Knits said...

Coons, on the other hand, are truly vicious and I would be very worried if I found on in my yard.

Anonymous said...

Possums give me the creeps - bad experience with one when I was young - but I know they have their value in nature or God would not have created them.