Thursday, March 12, 2020

I slept better, but not as long

Tuesday night was horrible for sleep.  I didn't think it mattered which way I lay on the cot, and I only used one sleeping bag.  Very uncomfortable.

Wednesday night (last night I suppose) I used 3 sleeping bags and laid the "right" way.  I also had the nifty new light blocking curtains so F you #6 I finally got away from the security lights.  He mounted very bright LED lights on the side of his house and one of the lights covers the entire back of the house.

This is the guy who turned the music UP when we asked him to turn it down (back when we still thought he was a decent human).  I figured if I asked him to reposition his light he would just point both of them at my house.  It is particularly bad in Ron's room but of course that doesn't matter.  It is bad in my room, or was, it was nice and dark last night with my "Nicetown" light blocking curtains.  I didn't really have any hopes for that, just the sun blocking, but thumbs up.

Glad I did that.  I need another panel (I have one but can't get it up by myself) but I wish listed that.  I will get that delivered before my stuff comes back and then I can ask, nicely, for help.  They will ship in one day according to Amazon.

I also found some nice things for Ron's room, which I will do next - Carlos will get an estimate to me.  I was very clear we are out of remodel money and will have to save.  But I am thinking teal, navy, with orange accents.  He already has a teal blanket and an orange comforter.  So just paint, sheets, and curtains.  The curtains are $20 so that's easy and they are great.  But as I put on the notes it is a "low"priority right now.

I like to focus on various textures for Ron since he is blind.  I think he will get a kick out of the sofa cushions I selected.  He had complained he wanted to sit on the couch sometimes but it wasn't really passable the way I had it.  My new floorplan is open with some comfortable cushions and bright colors.  I don't know if he will actually sit on them but they will be available.  It will also be better when we have people over.

Ron cannot do a coffee table, or couldn't, when he walked, he was always running into it.  Not that I ever had one, he said he had problems so I didn't.

I did list a little wire rack I might use as an end table, though.

Ron really loves the blanket I got him, so do the cats.  I plan to get the black or purple version for myself.

EVENTUALLY I might get the orange throw and put that in the front room but we will see.  I don't want to hand craft something in turquoise and orange with the cats, I don't think they would let me, and I think they would be very hard on it.  And I would always rather have the cats.

Tomorrow I plan to take a hard look at the house and do some purging and placing of things in their final locations.  Kettlebells can come in the house now, litter box has to come out of dining room area, etc. I got some hanging racks for my shoes so they are up off the floor.  I also need to figure out where I am going to place my extra flooring.  I have 2 cases leftover.  That means I will need about 6 additional cases of flooring for Ron's room.  I did move Cleo's condo in the front room against a corner and I like it, so does she.  It is right next to a window so she can look out if she wants but she mainly sleeps.

So I will have all weekend to do that.. get ready for my stuff returning.  Spotty and some of the other cats really like the small condo I put in the dining room area so there is room for that, it stays.  I want something awesome for the cats pretty much everywhere they turn.  I may even have room for another condo when everything comes back.  They really like the Frisco one.

Can't sleep and manic... paid some bills.  Happily today will not be a long day.

Edit: had some hemp, got about an hour of additional sleep.  Had a very odd dream about doing laundry with Mackelmore (the rapper). 


Exhausted overworked friend said...

You are a human dynamo! Watch some videos about how to “minimalist” your house . I am not perfect by any means and keep filling space in my house . But I did make an agreement with myself and that is for every item I bring into the house something has to go. Including food! I do have my “getaway bag” and 3 days of water and food . Like we should all have all the time all of us (if you have space to do better great especially with foods you enjoy it is always good to have as much long shelf life food and water as you can have I think) . My doctor gives me 90 days and I am allowed to refill at 60 days so I always have a month or more of meds and over the counter stuff I use like allergy meds, melatonin my multi vit and stress supplements . My rule in a first aid kit is regular meds, then I cover the basics pain, sleep (melatonin for me) Nausea and vomiting/vertigo (I have a prescription but ALWAYS have candied or fresh ginger or it works best for me for both) ..I do not need anything else in the (kit thinking minimal )
I am blabbering but what I was trying to tell you sounds like you have already done LOL if it does not “Spark joy” it needs to go ...ok Ron can stay LOL sending love and can not WAIT to see the finale and will be so happy for you when you are resting peacefully in your bed in your new room with the black out curtains ..I hung one over my door in my aparment and. Not only looks nice but it keep noise and vibrations down those curtains are the best bargain ever! They will increase warmth in the winter and keep you cooler in the summer if the sun hits that side of the house ...and now you could look at number 6 and say “thank you for the free security lighting” LOLOL literally now that it will not bug you it is free security! OOOXXX

Anonymous said...

May I suggest you avoid a black blanket because black shows dust lint and cat hair worse than any other color .

Good for you so much accomplished and everything looks wonderful .

Anonymous said...

Ron spends $500 a month on vodka he can buy his own curtains and pillows. Ironic How you selected children's curtains for him.

How much money is he putting aside for his floors a month?

I guess his promise to buy the carpet cleaner and vacuum are not happening.

Heather Knits said...

Navy is for kids?

Thanks for the tip on the blanket.

Anonymous said...

give up on the vacuum already... sigh

Anonymous said...

The description says kids in it.

Anonymous said...

why can't you hang a simple curtain

Heather Knits said...

The rod is over 8 feet long, I will need assistance for that.

It probably said kids for my curtain as I basically got the same thing in purple.

I only have carpet in one room now. :D

Anonymous said...

Stop acting so damn helpless and grow a pair. The curtain rod if it is that long should have 3 brackets. If it has only one on each end it is even easier. Both sides of the curtain rod have finials that unscrew so you unscrew the one side put up the curtain. Go to the other side and do the same and it is done. If you only have 2 brackets holding up the curtain rod than you just put the curtains on the one side and only have to unscrew the one finial. The curtain rod is meant to slide into the other so you just need to push the rod until you clear the finial to put the curtain rod on. Slide back into the bracket and you are done. Very easy and not as complicated a you want to make it. I am sure you have a step ladder or step stool to reach said curtain rod.