Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Some good news from my doctor

They are only doing phone appointments.  I am happy about that no crosstown trip and exposure to God Knows What. 

They have done that before, one time I had a really terrible head cold and was contagious, I called and explained, they talked to him and did it over the phone.  I just give the debit card # to the office girl and then they put me through to him.  No exposure for either of us. 

I worry about him, he is not young, and I am sure he is totally overworked with patients freaking out.  He thought the hurricane was bad, I am sure this has been a lot worse. 

The only bad thing I can't take him chocolate.  He likes that. 

Ron had a horrible day with his back last night but finally got on top of it last night.  He seems comfortable today.  He finally got into the jar of honey roasted nuts and seems determined to eat the entire canister.  That is fine by me, I can't eat nuts, I get migraines.  If I have had a long fast from nuts I am OK for a little bit but then I start getting the migraines again.  Not fun.  If he really likes them I will get more on my next trip/delivery. 

So I slept pretty well, not sure about him but he was quiet.  I woke up around 7 even "trying" to sleep in.  It is a little cool out for us (60's) so we have the thermostat set to heat. 

We have an old style thermostat with the levers to switch between heat/cold/off and the lever you slide up and down to set the temperature.  That works best for Ron and our technician had a hell of a time finding one.  So it is set to heat and ran some, last night.  I had 2 blankets and a quilt (I like the weight) so I was fine, Ron had his new blanket.  I will have to verify Ron paid the bill it comes out about now. 

He does that over the phone.  He gets confused sometimes with numbers which is why I do the accounting now. 

He tried to pay the electric over the phone once and transposed 2 numbers,it declined and ever since I have to go in and pay it in person.  It is generally not a burden to me, I like to shop about once a week anyway. 

The cats are good, I had to change the water fountain out and the cats are loving it.  It is a really good addition to the house and I'm sure has helped Biscuit in particular.  It is $20 at Walmart it has a big basin and then water is pumped up to a spout which then flows into the basin.  They love to drink it where it comes out.  I actually have a backup it is that important. 

It comes with filters and I have plenty, I scrub it out and change the filter every month and everyone seems happy with it.  It is probably how they passed that virus around a few months ago but other than that it's great. 

I am battling depression and need to take a shower but doing OK.  I have only had a moderate amount of caffeine.  No headache either. 

I have puzzles and knitting in addition to TV and internet, if I get bored (I'm not) and there are always the cats and Ron.  I have determined I have to lint brush the one couch every couple days as the cats love to loaf on it, and shed.  I am actually keeping the lint brush on the couch it is that bad. 

And that is one reason I did not buy the corduroy or velvet pillows, they would have been cat hair magnets, particularly the corduroy.  And Ron is still eating those nuts he is going to get sick. 

I guess he is lacking an essential fatty acid only found in the nuts... I'm not going to stop him.  From what I recall, while they were out of a lot, they did have plenty honey roasted nuts, particularly the store brand. 

I went to really excellent schools up until about age 10.  At one point they had a whole section on how to manage life, do a budget, pay bills, shop, etc.  They covered generics and how they saved a lot of money, and were at least as good as the name brand.  After that I have always been a fan of generics and never had an issue with them with the exception of the Walmart version of cheetos. 

So I buy generics, it does save a lot of money, and, when supplies are short, people generally leave them on the shelf. 

I am going to go take my shower. 

1 comment:

Sending love ! said...

I have not ever had a problem with my meds being “generic” in fact I insist on it . I have not ever noticed a difference in anything incliduing my allergy meds . But the snacks I sometimes get and most all the cereal I like are not as good in generic form . I truly wish I did like them as much I love saving money but alas I am Cheeto specific , I love the Wise Brand Cheese doodles and the Mexican cheese puffs in the giant canister but that is it . No on any generic gummies! You take good care of yourself I am wearing a recycled from work desk drawer never used mask that I was fitted for . I wear it under a scarf and clean it with alcohol spray ) at home at work I wear what they provide when I need it . Pickings are slim that is for sure.